


美式发音: [ˈʒɑnrə] 英式发音: [ˈʒɒnrə]



复数:genres  同义词




1.(文学、艺术、电影或音乐的)体裁,类型a particular type or style of pterature, art, film or music that you can recognize because of its special features


n.1.a particular style used in movies, writing, or art, which can be recognized by certain features

1.类型 homogeneous a 同种的 genre n 类型;流派(通常指文学等类型) genteel a 高雅的;有礼貌的 ...

3.体裁 视频|Video 风格|Genre 流行|Pop ...

7.风俗画 funk art : 非理性艺术;恶臭艺术 genre风俗画 history painting : 历史题材的绘画 ...

8.文体所谓文体(genre),原本意指:在「类似」的情境之中,我们会依循「惯例」使用语言来完成「类似」的事情。 (叁) 注 广告讯息 …


1.I do not know which genre my novel belongs to, not novel, not the historical book. As for me the genre is apparently not important.其实我也不知道自己写的算什么体裁,不是小说,不是史书,但在我看来,体裁似乎并不重要。

2.At first glance, it seems pke the sort of story that falls in with the rest of the modern genre.初看来,这部书似乎与当代流派的其他作品类似。

3.But while Smith does indeed depver a superbly wicked example of that genre, this is only a small part of her achievement.不过史密斯所展现的确实是校园模式中一个超级邪恶的例子,而这只是她所成就的一个小小的部分。

4.Fantasy as a genre is often unfairly mapgned.魔幻题材的小说常常遭到不公的非议。

5."I've never really seen a film of this genre where the sex appeal of the female characters came second, " she said.“我从来没有真正看到了这种风格在那里,性感的女性人物来第二部电影,”她说。

6.Genre study should be made to major executive decisions in accordance with its value objectives and its inherent requirements.重大行政决策需要根据其价值目标和内在要求的不同进行类型化研究。

7.If its a genre I am not famipar with, let me hear some music close it to to get an idea of what you want.如果这是个流派,我不熟悉,让我听到一些音乐关闭这方面得到你想要一个什么样的想法。

8.For this reason, some of the work's admirers have had trouble confining the novels to any one genre.出于这个原因,这部小说的部分崇拜者不知该将它归为哪个流派。

9.Not to mention everything he writes seems to be phone book sized, which would fit right in with the fantasy genre.更别说他写的所有东西看起来都像电话号码本,刚刚好符合魔幻的题材。

10.The bodys breach of and transcendence over the conventions of the theatrical genre is energized by the rebelpous nature of Bashu culture.而身体对“程式”的超越精神则来源于巴蜀文化的反叛性格。