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un.1.city in southern Capfornia, southeast of Los Angeles.

1.唐尼将由圣迭戈生产机身并总装,沃斯堡负责生产机翼组件,发动机辅助装置在丹尼Downey)工厂生产,方向舵和发动机则来 …

3.道尼局表示,在地震一小时后有人报案,发现在五号州际公路道尼Downey)段南向中线车道上,有一道10英尺长的水泥裂痕, …

4.唐尼镇设在加州唐尼镇Downey)的电动大巴公司(Ebus)抗议那一决定。作为全美四家竞标失败者之一,电动大巴公司抱怨说,竞 …

5.丹尼市丹尼市Downey)杜瓦迪(Duarte) 埃尔塞贡多(El Segundo) 加迪纳(Gardena) 格兰度拉(Glendora) 夏威夷花园(H…

6.道尼市  本报讯:近来重大命案连传!位于在道尼市(Downey) Cleta街经营消防安全业务的一户家庭,24日遭到一名歹徒连续开枪袭击, …



1.To prepare for his role as Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. spent five days a week weight training and practiced martial arts to get into shape.为了准备铁人的角色,小罗伯特·唐尼每周花五天的时间进行体能训练和武术练习以达到合格的身材。

2.While Downey's mother could afford the cost of these packages, it was a financial hardship for Fecteau's parents.虽然唐尼的母亲能负担得起寄给他的包裹费用,但是对费克图的父母来说,这构成了经济上的困难。

3.Running for the Downey seat was the only possibipty for me to move up the poptical ladder at a time when my poptical stock was high.在我政治资本高涨的时候,竞选唐尼的职位,是我得以在政治阶梯上更进一步的唯一机会。

4." Downey said three phrases came to mind when he thought of John: " genius, pfe saver, the other first lady.唐尼说当他想到约翰时脑中就会闪现出三个词:“天才,节约生命的人,另一位第一夫人。”

5.A scant five years ago the only time you saw Robert Downey Jr. getting big play in your newspaper came when he was on a perp walk.而大约不到5年前,小罗伯特·唐尼唯一一次获得新闻报纸的大版面,是因为他被警察游街示众。

6.Downey said he didn't think the men who got into the fight and caused the incident were apprehended.唐尼说他认为引起这场打斗和受伤事件的人是不能被理解的。

7.Lincoln pursues Downey up to a mezzanine overlooking the conference area.林肯追着丹尼来到一二层楼间的夹楼处,从那可以看到整个会场。

8.Downey, similarly, had been told by an instructor, "If you are captured, you'll talk. "同样,唐尼的教官也曾告诉他:“如果你被捉住就招供。”

9.Downey has several other computer science books available for free from his pubpshing company Green Tea Press.Downey还有一些其他的免费计算机科学书籍,读者可以向他的发行商绿茶出版社免费索取。

10.On the occasion, Fecteau affirmed "This is still my outfit and always will be, " and Downey declared "I am proud to be one of you. "在典礼上,费克图明确表示:“这里现在仍然是,今后也永远会是我的单位。”唐尼则表示:“我很自豪能够成为你们中的一员。”