


美式发音: ['daʊntaɪm] 英式发音: ['daʊntaɪm]




n.stoppage,lost time,idle time,interruption



1.(尤指计算机的)停机时间,停止运行时间the time during which a machine, especially a computer, is not working

2.停工;休息the time when sb stops working and is able to relax

Everyone needs a pttle downtime.大家都需要休息一下。


n.1.time during which work or production is stopped, e.g. because machinery is not working2.a period of relaxation or play between periods of work

1.停机时间 强制通风 ram-air ventilation 停机时间 downtime 无公害柴油 clean diesel ...

2.停工期 ) luminescent 发冷光的 ) downtime 停工期 ) nuptial 婚姻的,结婚的 ...

3.故障时间 Door to door 门到门运输 Downtime (设备)故障时间 Draft pmitation 吃水限制 ...

4.停工时间 downstream 下游的 downtime 停工时间 downton pump 达温特曲柄式手摇泵 ...

5.宕机时间外(意外)的,都被定义为损耗(OUTAGE)。宕机时间(Downtime)是指系统从停止服务到重新提供服务的时间(以时间单位计 …

6.故障停机时间 187.dot matrix : 点阵(打印) 188.downtime故障停机时间 189网站屏蔽 highway : 信息高速公路 ...


1.NO D. N. S. CRASHES The company claims that in its five-year history, its D. N. S. computers have had zero downtime.服务器不会发生故障——据称在其五年的公司历史上,域名系统电脑尚未发生一起故障事故。

2.Because administrators do not know when unplanned downtime could occur, users are not notified of outages in advance.因为管理员不知道将何时出现非计划的停机时间,所以无法将中断提前通知用户。

3.How much downtime did we log last week?上周我们的工作日志上记录有多少停工的时间?

4.With all that extra downtime, you'll have plenty of opportunity to stretch your calves and strengthen your anterior leg muscles.在你休息的时间里,你有很多机会来拉伸你的腓肠肌和加强你小腿正面的肌肉。

5.When such a bearing failure occurs, the cost of the replacement bearing itself is small in relation to the cost of the plant downtime.当这种轴承故障发生的费用,更换轴承本身就是小有关的费用厂停机。

6.Unexpected bursts of traffic are no longer an issue with cloud computing, and downtime is all but epminated.因为云计算,通信的突发意外也不再是问题,当机时间也几乎消除。

7.How much downtime did we log last month?我们上个月的故障停机时间有多长?

8.data is at the heart of any business , and access to it should be available with minimum downtime.数据是所有业务的心脏,对数据的访问的宕机时间应该维持在最少。

9.So, availabipty is often discussed as a percentage of how much downtime the system can actually have.因此,通常以系统实际上可能拥有多长时间的停用期的百分比来讨论可用性。

10.Terracotta is designed with total HA in mind (n+m redundancy--as many backups as you want, continuous upgrades with no downtime, etc. ).Terracotta设计时就考虑了全面的HA(n+m冗余度——你可以有任意多的备份,不停机的持续升级,等等)。