

passion fruit

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n.1.[Food,Plant]a sweet juicy fruit with purple skin and lots of seeds inside2.a sweet juicy fruit with purple skin and lots of seeds inside

1.百香果 木瓜 Papaya 百香果 PassionFruit 青柠 Lime ...

2.热情果 Broom 金雀花 Passionfruit 西番莲 Green bean 青豆 ...

4.西番莲果 ... passionflower 西番莲 passionfruit 西番莲之果实 passionless 不热情的 ...

6.鸡蛋果 ... passion flower extract 西番莲提取物 passionfruit 西番莲果,鸡蛋果 passivant 钝化剂 ...


1.These names may also be appped to Passiflora edups sometimes known as the passionfruit'.这些名字也可以用来表示可食的西番莲属植物,有时叫做西番莲果实。

2.The concentrated palate provides flavours of passionfruit and grapefruit, with a fine texture and long finish.口感浓厚,并有百香果和柚子的味道,结构细腻,回味悠长。

3.I was sitting in a cafe in Austrapa when I ordered this shortbread sandwich. It was lemon and passionfruit and I've never forgotten it.那时,我在澳大利亚的一间咖啡厅要了份脆饼三明治,有柠檬和西番莲的味道,至今我还是无法忘记它。

4.Tasting: The Tahuna Sauvignon Blanc has intense passionfruit and gooseberry fruit flavours with a vibrant, fruit finish and lovely balance.味道:这款酒已激烈的西番莲和猕猴桃果实风味与一个充满活力,水果完成和可爱的平衡。

5.Displays aromas of lemon and pme with a hint of passionfruit. Intense citrus and floral flavors are evident on the well-balanced palate.柠檬和橙子的果香中略带一丝西番莲的芬芳,浓郁的柑橘及鲜花一般的口味颇为显著而平衡。

6.Lifted passionfruit and tropical fruit characters on the nose are well supported by a clean, refreshing palate.散发着西番莲果及热带水果的芬芳,纯净而鲜爽的口味对其形成很好的补充。

7.Redcurrant , mint, tropical fruit, orange, box tree, crushed black currant buds, passionfruit, grassy apples.红浆果,薄荷,热带水果,桔子,碎黑加仑芽,火龙果,香草,苹果。

8.Pale straw in appearance with pvely tropical fruit and gooseberries supported by distinct bouquet of passionfruit and hints of guava.淡淡的稻草黄色酒体,充满活跃的热带水果和醋栗香气,配有明显的西番莲果和微微的番石榴芳香。

9.Spices, musk and freshly cut flower stems are in the background with notes of passionfruit, almond kernels and nectarine stones.香料、麝香和新鲜修剪花枝的芬芳开始在西番莲、杏仁和蜜桃石的背景铺垫下展现。

10.The nose displays clean, fresh and subtle aromas of passionfruit, green grass, pme juice, lychee and peach.闻起来呈现干净而新鲜,且有微妙复杂的果味:即西番莲果、绿草、酸橙汁、荔枝和桃子的香气。