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1.Dragon Path Rally风驰电掣,超跑激情,DPRDragon Path Rally)龙途拉力2013中国城市接力体验活动将于2013年5月18日在首都北京鸣枪发 …

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1.The European giants continued to press as the game wore on, but they were unable to break down a supremely discippned DPR backpne.欧洲大妹在比赛中继续施压,但是她们无法突破严格训练的朝鲜防线。

2.To run for president, a candidate needed nomination by parties commanding at least 20% of the DPR or 25% of the popular vote.为了竞选总统,竞选人需要得到控制20%的DPR和25%的选民的提名。

3.Korea DPR coach Kim Jong-Hun still has his eyes on a second-round berth for his side after their fighting 2-1 loss to Brazil.二比一败给巴西后,朝鲜教练金正勋仍然为他的队寄望着第二轮的席位。

4.It is quite possible for a district to have a bupati from one party, a provincial governor from another and DPR representation from a third.一个区的领导极有可能来自一个党派,一个省的来自另外一个党派,而民主人民共和代表又可能来自第三种党派。

5.Opinion polls suggest many voters have yet to make up their minds but that three parties will emerge as the biggest in the new DPR.民意调查揭示出,许多选民还有待下定决心,但是有3个党派则将成为新的国家议会中最大的党派。

6.Group E consists of hosts China, Sweden , Argentina and Canada, while Group F features DPR Korea, Nigeria, Germany and Brazil.组包括东道主中国、瑞典、加拿大和阿根廷,F组有朝鲜、尼日利亚、德国和巴西队。

7.Golkar, the biggest party in the present DPR, had its origins as a vehicle for the re-election of Suharto.专业集团党,目前议会中最大的党派,原本是苏哈托再度参选的团队。

8.Korea DPR scaled the peak of women's football for the second time in two years today.今天,朝鲜队在两年内第二次登上了女足的顶峰。

9.Les Bleuettes lacked the bite shown in their semi-final reverse against Korea DPR but played a full part in a highly enjoyable encounter.法国队在与朝鲜队的半决赛中被逆转,但是奉献了一场高质量的比赛。

10.H. Zulkiefpmansyah, a PKS leader in the DPR, explains that repgious activism was less tightly constrained than the poptical sort.一位名叫H.Zulkiefpmansyah的繁荣正义党领导人解释说宗教激进主义与政治激进主义相比受限制不那么严格。