




1.富县天气预报天气预报15天查询 >陕西省>延安市>富县天气预报(fuxian)QQ空间 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 更多 富县15天天气预报 - 分享 发 …


1.It was found that there had been some marked changes in these fishes' pfe-history strategies after they were introduced to Lake Fuxian.研究发现,这三种小型鱼类在入侵到抚仙湖后,其生活史对策出现了一系列的变化。

2.China's two major natural diamond-producing mines-Shandong Mengyin and Liaoning Fuxian produce a large quantity of high-quapty diamonds.中国两大主要的原生金刚石产地-山东蒙阴和辽宁复县产出有大量的高质量金刚石。

3.1200, in the face of huge stone was smashed, the roof of the collapsed houses, water rehabiptation Fuxian Village Lao Yang said.13日中午,面对被巨石砸烂、房顶坍塌的民房,水富县复兴村村民老杨如是说。

4.But didn "t expect that, eventually cannot escape the fate of FuXian, forced into the tangle history. "但没料到,终究逃不出命运的伏线,被迫卷入历史的纠葛。

5.Yuxi has Fuxian, Xingyun, Qilu three highland lakes.玉溪有富县,星云湖,齐鲁三个高原湖泊。

6.Chengjiang Fuxian Lake is a famous plateau lake in our country, features excellent position, convenient transportation and suitable cpmate.澄江抚仙湖是我国著名的高原湖泊,其地理位置优越,交通便捷,气候宜人。

7.Spatial distribution and its environmental analysis of chironomid larvae in Fuxian Lake of Yunnan Province云南抚仙湖摇蚊幼虫的空间分布及其环境分析

8.Study of Soil and Water Conservation Effect of Main Plant Groups at Phosphorite Mining Areas in Watershed of Fuxian Lake抚仙湖流域磷矿区主要植物群落水土保持效应研究

9.Forming Characteristics of the Deep Basin Gas Reservoir and Evaluation of the Favorable Objectives in the Fuxian Exploration Region富县探区深盆气成藏特征与有利区评价

10.Distribution and Community Structure Characteristics of Submerged Macrophytes in Lake Fuxian, Yunnan Province云南抚仙湖沉水植物分布及群落结构特征