



[ drabs ]

adj.土褐色的, 单调的, 乏味的n.邋遢女人,娼妓,少量


She pay me in drib and drab, not all at once.


A drab personality.


The female is generally drab, the male per contra brilliant.


Shabby, drab, or squalid.



副词: drably | 形容词比较级: drabber | 形容词最高级: drabbest | 名词: drabness | 动词过去式: drabbed | 动词过去分词: drabbed | 动词现在分词: drabbing | 动词第三人称单数: drabs |



副词: drably | 形容词比较级: drabber | 形容词最高级: drabbest | 名词: drabness | 动词过去式: drabbed | 动词过去分词: drabbed | 动词现在分词: drabbing | 动词第三人称单数: drabs |


名词 drab:

a dull greyish to yellowish or light olive brown

同义词:olive drab, drab


1. Hoping you like my best try.Bribs and drabs show civilization, what and where makes harmony.

1、 点点滴滴展示文明,事事处处营造和谐。

2. D verbal sex is automatic disease: Appear drab, inflexible, repeat utterance, in a low voice from language, yelp or laugh.

d 言语性自动症:出现单调、刻板、重复言语、低声自语、叫喊声或发笑。

3. The word"dismal", originally a noun, comes from Latin. Literally it means"evil days," though gradually it became used as an adjective meaning "gloomy", "depressing. " or"drab".


4. The dribs and drabs of life create forever happiness and joy.


5. A few corners are far from door window or furniture, radial dark and gloomy, this kind of corner drab, drab, fine long hair is lacklustre, often be called blind angle.


6. My knowledge all came in drips and drabs after I got there.


7. A cheerful, witty advertisement makes such a difference to a drab wall or a newspaper full of the daily ration of calamities.


8. In dribs and drabs, parts of the appliance came together.


9. Hens who endure life's drab defeats while hoping and scratching for a break.


10. The female is generally drab, the male per color=# cc0066> contra brilliant.


11. Sitting last week in a Boston lawyer's drab office, McSorley remembered what he says were Geoghan's last words to him: "We keep secrets. We're good at keeping secrets.


12. You don’t have to deal with the buzz of florescent lights all day long, or stare endlessly at the drab gray cubicle walls.


13. Do not want the drab life with bureau ordinary be confined to, undertake living in revolution, break all traditions to manacle.


14. Answer relatively to it, often use abstract brushwork and sculpture to decorate, break a few drab, drab, curt line, with period obtain perfect and rich space to experience.


15. Life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas.


16. A drab personality.


17. The thing once still produced the thing that pass, just went one year news became old hear, dribs and drabs comprised check.


18. After a while, there is a dispiritingly drab sameness about their stories.


19. People arrived at the party in-dribs and drabs.


20. People arrived at the party in dribs and drabs.


21. Today ,I suddenly wanna create a space in MSN for recording dribs and drabs of my life.


22. Remain the same this year popular bingle, be like,applied on this foundation geometry, double deck, inclined to wait for clip means to replace drab in the past hairdo.


23. Don't wear blue tonight, it's too drab.


24. Returned from the bitter cold North with its drab and dried up vegetation, I was amazed and delighted when greeted by the charming scenery of sapphire mountains and emerald rivers as well as red flowers and green leaves.


25. From this film I learn more such as the dribs and drabs in life.


26. He is determined to prove that the 3-0 home wins against Israel and Russia were not flukes after the drab draw against Macedonia at Old Trafford last October.


27. Their subjects may have been drab or driven by greed, but they were above all else human beings with will, spirit, and purpose.


28. They seemed to be a drab assortment of mediocrities.


29. He paid me back what he owed in dribs and drabs.


30. His hands had been drab all night.


31. Take Temucuicui, a drab Mapuche village of some 170 families just five miles off the Pan-American highway.


32. The new design freshens the old, somewhat drab appearance of the current homepage and adds small icons for Yahoo services on the left hand side of the page.


33. Traditional perhaps call in an orderly way model: They are not certain and cool drab, although very able also, but slant to be mixed at guarding really careful.


34. As he speaks, stunning images of the Golden Gate bridge and Santa Monica's palm trees clash with a cow crossing a freeway in a drab Nevada desert.


35. But all on wall of if one side is some of book only, drab rather also.


36. But this differs to be mixed frowzily at sinking drab, contrast is need, basically be the degree that should master good contrast.


37. An unskilled worker in a drab northern Italian industrial city of the 1950s and 1960s, Marcovaldo has a practiced eye for spotting natural beauty and an unquenchable longing to come a little closer to the unspoiled world of his imagining.


38. A girl comes out to meet you.To you she is the embodiment of loveliness;to another all that grace and beauty may look drab and homely.


39. My life, as you know, was drab and colorless until you came into it.


40. When using them, resemble undertaking communicating in as simple as life, bring to the life namely convenient, can produce the fun of dribs and drabs again.


41. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free.


42. The fourth indictment against stereotyped Party writing is its drab language that reminds one of a piehsan.


43. I only learned about the incident in dribs and drabs.


44. There are many drab houses in the smoky mining town.


45. Voices of caution - there were many in Iceland - were drowned out by a media that became fixated on the nation's emergence from drab pupa to gaudy butterfly.


46. The work had been coming in by dribs and drabs for several years.


47. At the drab wooden house in which she lived he said good night briefly and amiably.


48. THE Beijing Ren Ai Geracomium is set in a drab, dusty village just outside the Chinese capital.


49. Still, our tiny, drab apartment seemed like paradise. Love does that, you know.


50. Still,our tiny,drab apartment seemed like paradise. Love does that,you know.


51. Another is the way that bad news comes to light in dribs and drabs, rather than in one cathartic revelation.


52. Use white only, too too drab, will both put together, be just like the black and white key on piano, mutual collocation, play a moving variations.


53. The likelihood is the something with little dribs and drabs, collect rises is an innovation.


54. But, i donn't blot out that your dribs and drabs stay in my heart.


55. In the meantime, the metope that finds a sitting room to do not let a person too too drab, made wall of one side vicissitudinous again.


56. Were you to do so, a million ghosts in olive drab, in brown khaki, in blue and gray, would rise from their white crosses thundering those magic words--Duty--Honor--Country.


57. Modeling, woodiness grain, neat and clear pencil with coral, lapis lazuli, shells, turquoise, red, green, blue, yellow, white, organic combination, formed the flower decoration, add for drab pen.


58. Because, boudoir not only it is the dak before female marriage, the dribs and drabs in boudoir, it is the good memory of her continuance lifetime more.


59. The bookcase that adjust measures to local conditions makes, proper fill the drab sense that whole Bai Qiang brings.


60. As a result, nearly everyone wears matching purple -- an echo of the decades when the masses all wore the same drab green Mao jacket and cloth cap.


61. TT also hope to witness the greate of the GOD by the dribs and drabs in !


62. The graph is: The partition that opens type partly makes the bright yellow of the kitchen projects from inside glass come out, add a bright color for drab white space.


63. In a great drab field of desolation, she finds the meanest, most arduous of tasks rendered tenfold difficult by a churlish boor of an employer in all the rancor of an ancient grudge against her.


64. There has been a touch of snow on the mountains that ring the bay this year, and the low wintry sunlight makes even drab buildings look bright.


65. Within Cuba life had settled into a drab routine.


66. After relishing the boom that transformed the drab United Kingdom into Cool Britannia, they fear that the disheartening economic stagnation of the 1970s might return.


67. In the world's temperate zones, where drab plumage is the norm, this kingfisher, unlike its North American cousins, bedazzles.


68. In Brasov,more than a dozen brown bears have been picnicking on garbage among the city's drab tower blocks,prompting authorities to begin culling the animals,which have been hunted to extinction in much of the rest of Europe.


69. In modelling and colour respect, board type radiator is put in drab problem.


70. All the drab houses of the mining town collapsed after the earthquake.


71. The ornament such as feed of network of edge, delicate embroidery, printing decorates adscititious Lei Sihua, your underwear no longer empty and drab.


72. The slaves must be content with drab, neutral colours.Any attempt to wear bright colours is met with extreme chastisement at the hands of a disapproving Goff.


73. She has been tired of the drab life.


74. She had concocted the whole story from dribs and drabs of gossip picked up at back doors and in the shops.


75. Her large and lustrous eyes gave a touch of beauty to an otherwise drab face.


76. She paid me in dribs and drabs, not all at once.

她零零星星地付给我钱, 而不是一次付清.

77. She pay me in drib and drab , not all at once.


78. Nowadays, the closestool in a lot of family closet is a pair plain coloured about, can you feel too drab so?


79. The life of a person who never does anything is dull and drab.


80. If an article or a speech merely rings the changes on a few terms in a classroom tone without a shred of vigour or spirit, is it not rather like a piehsan, drab of speech and repulsive in appearance?
