



美式发音: [doʊz] 英式发音: [dəʊz]




第三人称单数:dozes  现在分词:dozing  过去式:dozed  同义词



v.1.打瞌睡,打盹2.迷迷糊糊,昏昏沉沉3.用推土机清除[挖出,推平]4.在瞌睡中度过(时间) (away out)1.打瞌睡,打盹2.迷迷糊糊,昏昏沉沉3.用推土机清除[挖出,推平]4.在瞌睡中度过(时间) (away out)


v.1.to sleep for a short time, especially during the day

1.假寐 In An Old Castle 古城 Dozing 假寐 Paris In Winter 巴黎的冬天 ...

2.打瞌睡逻基地从事实际战斗,随时警戒,又要应付廖梓源执勤时打瞌睡 (dozing))的习惯,廖梓源在十天中执勤时四次打瞌睡,数名 …

3.打盹2.11就设计出一种机制,让无线网卡可以定期切换至打盹(dozing )的状态,以节约电力的消耗。

4.小睡 ... 13.Paris In Winter 巴黎的冬天加入列表 14.Dozing 假寐加入列表 15.In An Old Castle 古城加入列表 ...

7.推土 dozer 推土机, 推土铲 dozing 推土 drag turf 沼泽草丛 ...


1.'Well, let's have it, then, ' said the Mole, after he had waited patiently for a few minutes, half-dozing in the hot sun. . .“那好,让咱听听,”鼹鼠说,他已经耐心等了几分钟,在炽热的阳光下、他都有点瞌睡了。

2.Day and night, Shu Qin immersed himself in his books, studying hard, but unfortunately was unable to stop himself dozing off.苏秦日夜埋首读书,可是每到深夜,就不由自主地瞌睡起来。

3.I was still awake at 6 am, and finally it settled a bit and I got some dozing before I had to get up for some planned morning events.我醒着到清晨6点,它终于有点稳定下来,让我在起床前打盹了一会,在一些既定的早晨事务之前。

4.A few days later, she sat down on him as he was dozing in an armchair.过了几天,他在扶椅上小憩,她竟坐在了他身上。

5.Simpson spent a long night dozing off, accidentally swallowing sea water, throwing up and trying to keep warm.辛普森花了漫长的一夜打瞌睡。不小心会吞下了海水、呕吐、并让自己保持温暖。

6.We find ourselves dozing and eventually unable to work properly due to the fatigue and stress and the immense pressure of this feepng.由于长期工作积累下的疲劳、紧张和巨大的压力,我们发现自己开始打盹甚至无法全身心地投入工作。

7.Bus keep running in the dark, in side the bus, the clock shows it is 1: 13 in the morning. everybody is dozing off, out of a sudden . . .客车在夜色里前行,车里的钟表显示着一点十三分,旅客们都在打瞌睡。忽然…

8.Cheryl wakes up in the morning. She stays in a single ward. She sees Jack sitting near the bed dozing.谢丽尔早上醒来,发现自己躺在一间单人病房里,杰克坐在床边打瞌睡。

9.A mouse once took a bite out of a bull's tail as he lay dozing .老鼠和公牛有一次,公牛躺着打盹,一只老鼠咬了他的尾巴。

10.I remember snuggpng next to him on Sunday mornings. I remember the strong, warm feepng of dozing off in his arms.可星期天早晨挤进他的被窝,偎在他怀里睡着时的温暖感觉,我至尽记忆犹新。