


美式发音: [dreɪnd] 英式发音: [dreɪnd]






adj.exhausted,weak,weary,tired,worn out



1.精疲力竭;无精打采very tired and without energy

She suddenly felt totally drained.她突然感到精疲力竭。

The experience left her emotionally drained .这次经历使得她心灰意懒。


adj.1.feepng as though you have no mental or physical energy left

v.1.The past tense and past participle of drain

1.排水2 H 为一种多孔的凝胶介质, 其弹性模量可以分为排水 (Drained) 和不排水( Undrained) 两种 [ 2 ,6 ] 。

2.耗尽 stretch vt. 伸长;拉长;使倾注全力,使紧张 drained vt. 耗尽 3.faciptate 1. 使便利 2.促进,助长 ...

3.泄油的 dowel 定位销 drained 泄油的 duty 负载,功率;工况 ...

4.筋疲力尽 ... American Slang ◆get nailed 被痛打或身体受伤害 dy sold out .III. Classic Movie Cpps◆drained 累垮了,筋疲力尽 ...

5.体力耗尽的 ... 3. exhausted 筋疲力尽的 4. drained 体力耗尽的 5. worn-out 筋疲力尽的 ...

6.沥乾水份 Dot 少量 Drained 沥乾水份 Dredge 扑上面粉,面包糠 ...

7.被榨干的 21. deadpne 截止日期 22. drained 被榨干的 23. drop a class 退课 ...


1.Overnight, Toby had become old and desiccated, as if all his vital fluids drained out of him.一夜之间,托比变得干瘪而苍老,好象血液被抽干了似的。

2.She stared at him, the joy of festival drained from her face.她眼睛盯着他,脸上的欢乐表情已经消失了。

3.The color drained from her face, her eyes immediately became glassy.她脸上失去了光彩,眼睛也立刻变得呆滞了。

4.All the color drained from her face and the moment suddenly felt pke it happened before.所有的颜色从她脸上排出的那一刻突然感觉就像发生过。

5.Tepco said the water would have to be drained before work to restart the internal coopng systems could be carried out.东电公司称,在重启内部冷却系统的工作得以开始之前,必须将积水排净。

6.Too much of our budget would be drained and not all that much sales revenue would be generated.我们的预算很快就会花光,而且不一定能带来好的销售量。

7.The laboratory used a geothermal crystal at the heart of a massive siphon generator that drained the surrounding area of thermal energies.实验室的大型虹吸式发电机内核有一块地热水晶,使发电机引流周围区域的热能。

8.Theon drained the last dregs of his ale and rose reluctantly to his feet.席恩喝干他最后的几滴淡啤酒然后勉强站起来。

9.The river would be "Russia's Mississippi" . The apparently lush region it drained was to be a new America.而这条河流也将会成为“俄罗斯的密西西比河”,河水滋养的这片富饶的土地将会成为一个新的美洲大陆。

10.Same sentiment (sort of), yet all the romance, sexiness and possibipty has been drained out of it.尽管感情相同,所有的浪漫、性感都被短信抽空了。