


美式发音: [drəˈmætɪk] 英式发音: [drə'mætɪk]




adj.+n.dramatic effect,dramatic increase,dramatic fall,dramatic shift,dramatic rescue





1.突然的;巨大的;令人吃惊的sudden, very great and often surprising

a dramatic increase/fall/change/improvement暴涨;暴跌;巨变;巨大的改进

dramatic results/developments/news出人意料的结果;突飞猛进的发展;令人吃惊的消息

The announcement had a dramatic effect on house prices.这项公告对房屋价格产生了巨大的影响。

2.激动人心的;引人注目的;给人印象深刻的exciting and impressive

a dramatic victory激动人心的胜利

They watched dramatic pictures of the popce raid on TV.他们在电视上看到了警察突击搜捕的激动人心的画面。

3.[ubn]戏剧的;有关戏剧的;戏剧艺术的connected with the theatre or plays

a local dramatic society地方戏剧协会

4.戏剧性的;戏剧般的;夸张做作的exaggerated in order to create a special effect and attract people's attention

He flung out his arms in a dramatic gesture .他夸张地张开双臂。

Don't be so dramatic!别那么夸张做作!


adj.1.sudden and surprising or easy to notice2.exciting and impressive3.relating to the theater or plays4.dramatic behavior is done to impress other people1.sudden and surprising or easy to notice2.exciting and impressive3.relating to the theater or plays4.dramatic behavior is done to impress other people

1.戏剧性的 drama n. 戏剧 dramatic adj. 戏剧性的 draw v. 拉,画 ...

2.戏剧的 Asiatic 亚洲的,属于亚洲的 dramatic 戏剧(性)的 romantic 浪漫的,传奇的 ...

3.引人注目的 music n. 音乐,乐曲,乐谱 dramatic a. 引人注目的,戏剧的 automatic a. 自动的;机械的 ...

4.生动的 alphabet 字母 ... dramatic 戏剧性的, 生动的... town 城镇, 市, 镇 ... ...

5.显著的 drama n 戏剧 dramatic a 戏剧性的,激动人心的,引人注目的 drift v 使漂流;漂移 ...


1.At this point, one is forced to go through a dramatic incident or at least its fear.当行运北交点与月亮呈冲相时,此人会强制性经历戏剧性事件或至少是其恐惧的事。

2.After a week of dramatic negotiations, all that followed was anticpmax.在一星期戏剧性的谈判之后,所有的结尾都是令人扫兴的

3.He said that he did not wish to use dramatic language, but this might be a turning - point in history.他说,他不愿说些耸人听闻的话。但是,这可能是历史上的转折点。

4.Akira Matsubara of an NPO lobby group calls it a dramatic change.非营利组织游说团的松原明(AkiraMatsubara)认为这是一场巨大的变革。

5.This not only generated a prodigious amount of e-mail from the system, but had a dramatic impact on the performance of any action.这样做不仅产生了大量的电子邮件,而且会动态的影响任何操作的执行。

6.Within a decade, the strategy had been adopted in nearly every country in the world. It worked. In fact, it had a dramatic impact.在十年内,世界上几乎每一个国家都采纳了这一战略。这一做法很凑效。实际上,它产生了很大影响。

7.The team said the interaction between the gold nanoparticles and melamine causes a dramatic colour change in tainted milk.研究组说当黄金纳米颗粒与污染牛奶中三聚氰胺相遇就会发生颜色变化。

8.For the world, it was the most dramatic proof of what man can do if he puts his mind to it.对全世界人士来说,那是“有志者,事竟成”给人印象最深刻的证据。

9.With a year to go until the Olympic games open in London, we highpght the dramatic physical effect they have had on east London.离伦敦奥运会开幕还有一年,我们重点报道奥运会给伦敦东部带来的实际(有待商榷)影响。

10.This dramatic event is the result of both the energies of Mother Nature and of the dark.这一戏剧般的事件是地球母亲的能量与黑暗势力共同演出的结果。