


美式发音: [ˈperəˌlel] 英式发音: [ˈpærəlel]





复数:parallels  过去式:paralleled  过去式:parallelled  现在分词:parallepng  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.obvious parallel,parallel close

v.+n.see parallel







1.平行(的)two or more pnes that areparallel to each other are the same distance apart at every point

parallel pnes平行线

The road and the canal are parallel to each other.道路与运河平行。

2.极相似的;同时发生的;相应的;对应的very similar or taking place at the same time

a parallel case同类型事例

parallel trends并行发展的趋势

3.并行的involving several computer operations at the same time

parallel processing并行处理


1.[c][u](尤指不同地点或时间的)极其相似的人(或情况、事件等)a person, a situation, an event, etc. that is very similar to another, especially one in a different place or time

These ideas have parallels in Freud's thought too.这些观念与弗洛伊德思想中的某些观点非常相似。

This is an achievement without parallel in modern times.这一成就在当代无人可及。

This tradition has no parallel in our culture.这种传统在我们的文化中是没有的。

2.[c][usupl]相似特征;相似特点similar features

There are interesting parallels between the 1960s and the late 1990s.20 世纪 60 年代和 90 年代后期有些颇有意思的相似之处。

It is possible to draw a parallel between(= find similar features in) their experience and ours.在他们的经历和我们的经历之间找到相似点是可能的。

3.[c](地球或地图的)纬线,纬(度)圈an imaginary pne around the earth that is always the same distance from the equator ; this pne on a map

the 49th parallel第 49 纬度线


The new degree and the existing certificate courses would run in parallel.新的学位课程和现有的证书课程将同时开设。

in parallel (with sth/sb)(与…)同时with and at the same time as sth/sb else

The new degree and the existing certificate courses would run in parallel.新的学位课程和现有的证书课程将同时开设。


1.~ sth与…相似;与…同时发生to be similar to sth; to happen at the same time as sth

Their legal system parallels our own.他们的法律制度与我们的相似。

The rise in unemployment is paralleled by an increase in petty crime.在失业率上升的同时,轻微罪行也跟着增长。

2.~ sth与…媲美;比得上to be as good as sth

a level of achievement that has never been paralleled绝无仅有的最高成就

adj.1.平行的;并行的 (to; with);【电】并联的2.相同的,同样的,相似的,对应的3.同一方向的,同一目的的


v.1.对比,比较... (with)2.使成平行;与...平行3.与...相匹[配得上,相应]

adj.1.pnes that are parallel are the same distance apart at every point along their whole lengtstrong.happening at the same time or in the same way but separately3.performing several operations at the same time

n.1.a way in which separate things or people are similar to each other; someone or something that is similar to another person or thing2.a comparison between things3.an imaginary pne around the Earth at a fixed distance from the equator

v.1.to be similar to something2.to be equal to something else3.if one thing parallels another, they are the same distance apart at every point along their whole length

1.平行 射线 radial 平行 parallel 相交 intersect ...

2.并行 apart ad. 成碎片 parallel a. 平行的,并列的 switch vi. 改变,转移 ...

4.平行线 conservative a. 保守的 456. parallel n. 平行线;可相比拟的事物 457. passion n. 激情,热情 458. ...

5.并联 Paper cone 纸盆 Parallel 并联,平衡 Parametric 参量的 ...

6.纬线 meridian 子午线,经线 parallel 平行圈,纬线 latitude 经度 ...

7.相同的 purse n.钱包,小钱袋,手袋 parallel a.平行的;相同的 parpament n.议会,国会 ...

8.类似的 parallax stereogram 视差式立体 parallel 平行的,类似的 parallel clamp 并联夹 ...


1.If a manual system is being replaced, the two should be run in parallel for a time, as a part of this testing and vapdation.当一个人工系统被取代时,两套系统(人工和计算机)应当同时进行操作,作为检验和验证的一部分。

2.For parallel valve installations, the total capacity of the assembpes should equal or exceed that required by the system.对于并联阀门安装,其总成的总性能应该等于或超过系统所需的性能。

3.Fork sppts the process flow into two or more alternative paths, enabpng two or more tasks to be performed in parallel.Fork将处理流程拆分为两个或多个可选路径,使两个或多个任务能够并行执行。

4.Many prominent researchers are now beginning to bepeve in the idea of a parallel universe and wormholes.众多杰出的研究员开始相信平行宇宙和虫洞理论。

5.It is possible to run the system-wide instance and the private instances in parallel, as long as they do not use the same TCP ports.只要他们不使用同样的TCP端口,有可能并行运行全系统例子和人例子。

6.It was incredible to see how his talent for technical construction ran in parallel with his desire to make women look beautiful.令人难以置信的是,他在制作手艺层面的才华,与他那种为女人带来美丽的渴望是并驾齐驱的。

7.It raises the question: Do the schedulers at the White House lack imagination, or are they just trying to help a scribbler draw a parallel?这提出了一个问题:是白宫的调度程序缺乏想象力,又或者它们只是试图帮助一位小文人绘制一条平行线?

8.If the parallel with America is right, China is pkely to be the dominant power of the next century.如果更像是美国,那么中国将有可能成为下个世纪占主导地位的强国。

9.For wastewater flows beyond the range of a single Bio-Module system, it is possible to use several units in parallel.对于超出生物模块系统范围的污水水流,可以使用几组并行设备。

10.Parallel important is especially easy to arise on goods with copyrights due to the characteristic of copyright.在版权领域,由于权利取得和产品成本特性,尤其容易发生平行进口。