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网络释义:博士;糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy);指定路由器(Designated Router)



1.(书写形式)医生,博士(in writing) Doctor

Dr (Jane) Walker(简)沃克博士

2.(用于街道名)路,大道(in street names) drive



n.1.[Photography]dynamic range

na.1.The variant of Dr.

1.博士 张聪明 兽医师 Dr. Dr. H 陈冠升 博士 Dr. J 曾秋隆 副教授 Prof. Dr. ...

2.糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy)网膜病变(DR)是糖尿病的严重并发症之一,因此防治糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)显得尤为重要.中医各家对DR的病因病机认识有脏 …

3.指定路由器(Designated Router)SPF链路被连接到多路访问的网络中时,需要选择一台指定路由器DR),每台路由器都把拓扑变化发给DR和BDR,然后由…

4.医生 down 向下;下去;沿着 Dr 医生 dreamer 空想家;梦想家 ...


1.She was right: Dr Barry, who had been a lady killer in his time, did resent the continuance of young men.她说得一点不错。当年巴里大夫曾经是个使女人倾心的男人,年轻人后浪推前浪地拥上来,他感到不满。

2.Dr. Landau said that his mother had cared for the butcher when he was a boy in the Lodz ghetto in Poland during World War II.兰多医生说,二战时期在波兰的罗兹犹太人区,母亲曾经照顾过那个屠夫(当时他还是个小孩)。

3.In 1892, Dr. Washington Sheffield of Connecticut was the first to put toothpaste into a collapsible tube: Dr Sheffield's Creme Dentifrice.1892年,康涅狄格州的华盛顿.设菲尔德医生首次制成软管牙膏:设菲尔德医生乳剂牙膏。

4.Dr Robinson said 'setting the clock back on adulthood and starting again' brings with it a sense of freedom.罗宾森博士说,成年期调整指针有一个新的开始让人有一种自由的感觉。

5.After a couple of hours I found a mistake in Dr. Zuck's original proof which I was trying to emulate.在无数个小时的努力后,我发觉Zuck博士的原始的证明有一个逻辑上的错误,也许这个错误是我的笔记抄错了,我不知道。

6.As for the giant hole, Dr Lintott has "no sensible explanation" for that at the moment and needs to wait for more telescope time.至于那个大洞,Lintott博士认为“目前没有合理的解释”,望远镜需要更多的时间去观测。

7."If you could reduce blood pressure by just a few points, you could reduce hundreds of thousands of deaths, " says Dr.“如果你能仅靠几点就减低了血压,那你就能减少成千上万的死亡,”纽约市身心健康保健部委员托马斯。弗雷登博士说。

8.Superintendent Dr. Jupanne Lein said the district apologizes for the incident and is taking steps to remedy the situation.负责人JupanneLein博士表示学区对所发生的事表示歉意,并正采取措施纠正此类情况。

9.Dr. Conrad Murray's attorney says his cpent has prepared to turn himself in, if charges are filed.康纳德·默里医生的律师说如果提起诉讼,他的当事人便准备自首。

10.As lead investigator of the Dutch study, Dr. Prins was not ready to go quite that far.作为这项研究的首席研究员,普润思医生还不准备这么做。