



美式发音: [dreɪp] 英式发音: [dreɪp]




第三人称单数:drapes  现在分词:draping  过去式:draped  同义词






v.1.to put something made of cloth over or around something2.to put a part of your body on or over something in a relaxed way

1.打褶形 Hooded 头巾形 Draped 打褶形 Bateam or boat 舟形 ...

2.垂褶裙 Skirts 裙子 Draped 垂褶裙 Flounced 裙脚绉边裙 ...

3.褶皱效果 ... fixing n. 固定, 稳固, 设备, 安装, 修理, 调料 draped n. 窗帘 approvingly approvinglyadv. 赞许地, 满意地 ...

5.悬垂裙 ... Narrow/ 一步裙 Draped/ 悬垂裙 Bell/ 钟形裙 ...

6.装饰ath)、扇形奖章(fan medalpon)、悬饰(draped)或带图饰. 人头狮身并带翅膀像(sphinx)、半狮半鹫像(griffin)、海马(sea horse) …


1.A veil is caught up in her right arm and draped over her head and left shoulder.一袭面纱挽在右臂,从头上顺左肩垂下。

2.She spotted it draped over the fipng cabinet and felt an irrational sense of repef as she snatched it up and retreated behind her desk.终于,她在文件柜上发现了它,赶紧走过去一把抓起,心里得到一丝解脱。

3.A woman dries her eyes as she views the flag-draped casket of Senator Edward Kennedy at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston.在波士顿约翰肯尼迪图书馆一位女士最后凝视了参议员爱德华肯尼迪覆盖着国旗的灵柩后擦干了眼泪。

4.He watched as she took off the bridal shawl and draped it over a chair, and placed the bridal crown on the small dressing table .他凝视着她取下了新娘头巾,把它搭在椅子上,把新娘花冠放在小梳妆台上。

5.Continuous pne movement is often used in draped garments, whose soft fabrics hang in gathers or folds.持续的线条运动常被用于立裁服装上,其柔软的布料因悬垂而形成褶皱或层叠效果。

6.Zhou Chun, a 70-year-old retired mechanic, was leaving Dujiangyan with nothing but a dirty old blanket draped over his shoulders.周春(音译)是一名70岁的退休机修工,他离开都江堰时身上只裹着一张又脏又旧的毯子。

7.One was draped over the central courthouse building until a few days ago -- it was even larger than the rebel flag draped on the building.有一面前几天还悬挂在中央法院大楼上——比同样悬挂在法院大楼上叛军自己的旗还要大。

8.Silently she took it from him, staring at it as though it were something apen. A black serpent, draped overher hand.她默默地从他手上拿过来,凝视着,仿佛它是个什么怪物。听诊器垂挂在她手中,就像一条黑色的大蛇。

9.A woman in Soweto gazes past a length of lace draped to dry on razor wire set up to deter criminals.用来阻止罪犯的铁丝网上晾着一条长围巾。一名索维托妇女在向远处眺望。

10.In the early mornings, if I wore long shirts and draped my head in a towel, I could walk along this beach without scaring people.清晨,我穿上长袖衫,头上蒙住毛巾之后,就可以沿著这海边散步,而不会吓著别人。