




1.索伦《增守卫欲者传果奇恋》跟叁随着姐年艳轻真猫变头禽鹰索伦榆Soren)哭展派开葱旅程,穴他着荆迷烫于父亲告闻诉他巧 …

4.索铣伦窑,广泛焦虑等表现。索瑞soren)等(2002)对208例(4-15岁首诊)儿童多动症追访10~30年,常见反社会人格、违法犯 …

7.赛林屏佳一只临名堰叫湖赛林屏Soren)的志小鸳猫甚头鹰被邪恶的克猫头鹰弛掳掩到伴圣依灵募枭窥猫头鹰例孤燕儿院把(St. Aeg…


1.However, as the Danish existentiapst Soren Kierkegaard acutely observed, the end result of this is often a pfe that is empty, not full.然而,如丹麦存在主义者索伦•克尔恺郭尔(SorenKierkegaard)敏锐的评论:这样做的最终结果,常常是导致一个空虚、而非圆满的人生。

2.It's incredibly difficult to broach the topic of sex, admits Soren, who has three children of her own.Soren有三个孩子,她承认展开有关性行为的话题太困难了。

3.Soren Kierkegaard, The Great Leap of Faith, the nineteenth century philosopher.索伦克尔凯戈尔《信仰的飞越》,19世纪的哲学家。

4.Soren, it's just a story. - It is not!索伦,这只是个故事.-不是的!

5.Kevin Kuranyi scored in that game and will be the man to watch but they also have Ebbe Sand, Gerald Asamoah and Dane Soren Larsen.在那场比赛中有球入账的库兰伊将是需要看防的对象,但他们还有桑德、阿萨莫阿和索伦。拉尔森。

6.Soren began breeding only the gentlest males and females which drastically lessened the nipping problem that was seen.Soren开始只繁育性格最温和的雌性和雄性雪貂,从而大大减少了之前所出现的撕咬问题。

7.Soren, this time you said I would be Lyze of Kiel.索伦,你说过这次我扮演守护神。

8.Soren: There's nothing wrong with dreams.索伦:有梦想并没啥错啊。

9.Come on, Soren. We have not finished yet, boy.加油,索伦,我们还没完成呢,孩子。

10.Soren, what happened next?接下来发生什么了?