

draw money

美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.提款 提交[ refer to;hand over to] 提款[ draw money] 提炼[ sift and refine;extract and purify] ...

2.领款 draw moneyorder 开汇票 Draw Money 取钱;领款;提款 draw top 推拉台面 ...

3.取钱 demand note 取款单 draw money 取钱 credit card 信用卡 ...

4.取款 close an account 注销账户 draw money 取款 ATM 自动提款机 ...

5.提取钱 ... [hand in] 交 [draw money] 提取钱,提取存款 [basket] 有提梁的篮子 ...

6.提取存款 ... [hand in] 交 [draw money] 提取钱,提取存款 [basket] 有提梁的篮子 ...

7.支取 ... 支渠[ distributary] 支取[ draw money] 支使[ order about] ...

8.领取 [support the front] 以物力、人力支持援助作战前方 [draw money] 领取 [order about] 差遣;指使 ...


1.Can I draw money order at the bank and send it in an envelope?我可以到银行写一张邮政汇票然后用信封寄去吗?

2."We are going to have to go to the automatic teller machine and draw money out to pay salaries by hand. "“我们必须去自动提款机上把钱取出来,手工发放工资。”

3.You can deposit money, go and draw money, even borrow or lend money in the bank.你可以在银行存款,取款,甚至借款,还款。

4.The Austrapan tax authorities, too, have cracked down on the use of payment cards to draw money from offshore bank accounts.而澳大利亚的税务部门也已经开始禁止利用刷卡消费从离岸银行账户中提取资金。

5.Yes. I'd pke to open an account that enables me to draw money easily.是的。我想开一个账户,让我取钱可以容易点。

6.I'd pke to open an account that enables me to draw money easily.我想开一个取钱容易的账户。

7.It is three years I have had the most fun a dinner, I draw money, only spent less than twenty dollars.那是三年来我吃得最开心的一顿晚餐,我掏的钱,只花了不到二十块钱。

8.Yes, we can even offer banking services, which would be very convenient for consumers to draw money.是的,我们甚至可以提供银行服务,这样为顾客取款提供服务。

9.He forged the signature of his boss, attempting to draw money from bank.他伪造老板的签名,妄图从银行里提款。

10.DON'T: Use a credit card or personalchecks, or draw money from an account shared with your spouse.忌:使用信用卡或个人支票,或从与配偶共用的账户取钱。