




1.品趣志 (Pinterest) 玩家们,今天起你们可以在品趣志(Pinterest) 里找到台北 W 饭店的网页罗! 快来找找我们的涂鸦墙上何处有你曾 …

2.兴趣钉板 纸片相机 Paper Camera 兴趣钉板 Pinterest 印象笔记 EverNote ...

3.图片分享社交应用 ... 3.益智游戏《格林童话:白雪公主》( Grimm's Snow White) 2.图片分享社交应用 Pinterest 4.“稍后再读”应用 Po…

4.瀑布流 Fpckr 我的相册 Pinterest 图钉-图片收集 Douban 豆瓣 ...


1.Perhaps the best use of Pinterest is to paint a clearer picture of what you want than you could ever with words.也许,Pinterest最大的用途在于它能比文字更好地描绘出你想要的东西。

2.And the act of finding such great ideas can be addicting. There are always more good things to see on Pinterest.而这种寻找点子的行为很容易上瘾,因为总会有更好的内容出现在Pinterest上。

3.Linking Pinterest to Facebook lets a user see quickly which of his or her Facebook friends are on the social network.通过与Facebook关联,用户可迅速查看到Pinterest上已经有哪些Facebook好友。

4.Some of the best people to follow on Pinterest are people you won't know at all.可能Pinterest上某些最值得关注的人你并不认识。

5.You can also allow friends on Pinterest to contribute to one of your boards.你还可以让Pinterest好友帮忙往你的其中一块画板上贡献内容。

6.Pinterest technically is still open to invited users only.严格来说,Pinterest还是只能通过邀请来注册。

7.Each page of pins on Pinterest is designed to be seemingly never-ending.Pinterest把每一页图钉都设计成浏览起来永无止境的。

8.At which point, according to an interview with TechCrunch Klein and Getty get distinctly less comfortable.根据对TechCrunch的克莱因和盖提的采访,就Pinterest商业化而言,人们对其的满意度大大减少。

9.In December, Pinterest became one of the Web's Top 10 social networks, according to tracking firm Hitwise.据监测公司Hitwise数据显示,Pinterest已在去年12月跻身十大社交网络前10位。

10.Pinterest has become for us an affectionate way of communicating.Pinterest网站已经成了我们之间一种亲密的沟通方式。