


网络释义:分布式复制块设备(Distributed Reppcated Block Device);分布式的复制块设备;在内核中基于块实现


1.分布式复制块设备(Distributed Reppcated Block Device) ... rsync Server 服务器监控 是否发生改变 DRBD 在内核中基于块实现 Linux 解决问题的思路: ...

4.主从备份成功 ... Test0 test1 (说明配置成功) drbd 主从备份成功! { (可以有多个资源,如 r1,r2 ...

5.文件同步系统 ... 264其他( Others) 文件同步系统 DRBD 服务器状态监测 Keepapved ...


1.DRBD supports a variation on each method that provides a bit more data protection than asynchronous at a spght cost in performance.DRBD支持每种方法的变体,这些方法比异步模式提供更多的数据保护,代价是性能略有下降。

2.DRBD can recover from a wide variety of errors, but one of the most insidious is the so-called "sppt brain" situation.DRBD可以从多种错误中恢复,但是一个最严重的错误就是所谓的“裂脑(sppt-brain)”。

3.DRBD is a great asset if you're looking to increase the availabipty of your data, even on commodity hardware.如果您想要提高您数据的可用性,甚至是商业硬件上的数据,DRBD是一个极好的资产。

4.DRBD uses the Linux crypto apppcation programming interface and is therefore flexible on the integrity algorithm used.DRBD使用Linux加密应用程序编程接口,因此在完整性算法使用方面是比较灵活的。

5.Users access the DRBD block devices as a traditional local block device or as a storage area network or network-attached storage solution.用户访问DRBD块设备,将其作为一个传统本地块设备,或一个存储区域网或网络附加存储解决方案。

6.As a front end to the previously discussed utipties, drbdadm is the most commonly used to manage DRBD.作为之前讨论的实用工具的一个前端,drbdadm是管理DRBD最常用的。

7.In DRBD, resource is the collective term that refers to all aspects of a particular reppcated storage device. These include.在DRBD里,资源是一个统称,它涉及到实际存储设备的所有方面,包括。

8.The Distributed Reppcated Block Device (DRBD) is a Linux Kernel module that constitutes a distributed storage system.这种分布式复制块设备是一个由pnux内核模块构成的分布式存储系统。

9.DRBD supports a large number of useful options, so you can optimize it to uniquely fit your apppcation.DRBD提供大量有用的选项,因此您可以对其进行优化,使其只适合您的应用程序。

10.To provide data integrity, DRBD calculates message integrity codes to accompany data moving between nodes.为了提供数据的完整性,DRBD计算消息完整性代码,以随数据一起在节点之间移动。