


网络释义:许;徐;亨德森州立大学(Henderson State University)


1.许 HOU 侯 HSU HSUI 许 ...

2.徐 ... (1990)、许烺光Hsu, 1970) 滨口惠俊(杨劲松,2005)、黄美惠…


1.Federal prosecutors said the apology was meaningless, arguing that Mr. Hsu was not as cooperative as he could have been.联邦检查机关说,徐咏芫的道歉毫无意义,他此前并没有全力配合调查。

2."Angelgate is a bit of a vapdation of super angels' influence, " says David Hsu of the Wharton School.“天使之门某种程度验证了超级天使的影响力,”沃顿商学院大卫许如是说。

3.One night a few months ago, sister Hsu happily drove some of her family members to a park to do some exercises.几个月前的一天晚上,许师姊载着家人高高兴兴上公园运动。抵达目的地之后,家人先下车离去。

4.Derek Hsu, product manager for Acer's desktop unit, said the company is working on a desktop with a 3-D, touch-sensitive screen.宏?台式电脑部门生产经理DerekHsu说,公司正在研制一款配备3D触敏屏幕的台式电脑。

5.Hsu said he intended to kill himself on the train by taking an overdose of sleeping tablets.他在纽约刑事案宗的申诉中说,自己当时打算在火车上服下过量安眠药自杀。

6.On Monday, Hsu Fu Chi requested a trading halt on its shares, indicating talks of a possible deal between the two may be advancing quickly.周一,徐福记的股票暂停交易,暗示双方的谈判也许进展得很快。

7.But then she said, Hsu was not planting and breeding law, two years Jipen gardenia are open only to season, they wilt die.但随后她又说,许是种养不得法,两年里几盆栀子花都是只开一季,便枯萎死去。

8.A burst of booing broke out when a speaker referred to remarks by Legislative Council President Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai.当一名发言人提到立法会主席范徐丽泰的一番说话时,现场出现一遍嘘声。

9.Hsu Li-ming, speaking for Chen Chu, mayor of Kaohsiung, said the invitation "transcends repgion, poptics and other factors" .高雄市府新闻处长许立明代表市长陈菊表示,这份邀请“超越宗教、政治和其它因素。”

10.It confuses me, this question, because everyone always tells me that I did so much for Hsu Chih-mo, I must have loved him.对于这个问题我实在没有头绪,因为大家总是跟我说,你为徐志摩付出了这么多,你肯定很爱他。