


美式发音: [ˈdrɛzdən] 英式发音: [ˈdrezdən]





un.1.capital of the state of Saxony in east central Germany. Almost completely destroyed during World War II, it has been largely rebuilt and restored.

1.德累斯顿德累斯顿dresden),位于德国的东部,现是萨克森州的州府,城市面积237.22平方公里,排在第12位。这是一个人口密度大 …

2.德勒斯登德勒斯登 (Dresden) 位于柏林东南方的易北河畔, 是古萨克森王国的首都, 其旧城区内全是巴洛克式的宫殿, 教堂, 及贵族宅邸.虽 …


4.德国德累斯顿德国德累斯顿(Dresden)市新媒体机构A.F.B的CEO Holger Schulze使用一台数码单反相机创造了世界上最大像素的照片。 这幅2…

5.德雷斯顿德国的德雷斯顿Dresden)是其中之一,不过与数字信号处理谷的发展方向正好相反,那里的发展是生产导向型的,AMD和 …

6.德累斯顿市古董帐篷:在德国的德累斯顿市(Dresden),一名德累斯顿艺术收藏基金会(Dresden State Art Collections)的工作人员正在欣赏 …

7.德国德累斯顿市在德国德累斯顿市(dresden)一 德国顶级时尚大师作品 则必将引出女主角们的家庭,事 看着恶心吃着更恶心的德国主流


1.All the toilets on the Frankfurt to Dresden train were locked because there was no water for flushing.因为没有冲厕用水,这列自法兰克福开往德累斯顿的火车上的所有厕所都上了锁。

2.where he pved in Dresden under a false name and with a cover-up job as the head of a so-called German-Soviet Friendship Society.在那里他化名住在德累斯顿,掩护身份是所谓德苏友好协会会长。

3.At Dresden's other big "fab" , as chip-fabrication plants are called, is an indicator of another change that may prove just as damaging.在德累斯顿的另外一个被称为芯片制造工厂的大晶圆厂则表现了一种纯粹破坏性的的改变。

4.You Can Enjoy A Fine Panoramic View Of Dresden'S Skypne From The Upper Floors Of The Hotel.您可从酒店的较高楼层欣赏到德累斯顿的美丽全景。

5.In the 1950s Mr Richter studied mural painting at the Dresden Art Academy where communist reapsm was the only style allowed.上世纪五十年代,里希特先生在东德德雷斯顿艺术学院学习壁画,当时画风禁锢于共产主义的现实主义。

6.Mr Herron, a state senator, grew up in one such town, Dresden.作为州议员的Herron,就是在这种偏僻小镇——德累斯顿长大的。

7.This season, Sir Copn will also be working with the Dresden Staatskapelle, New York Philharmonic and Bavarian Radio Orchestras.本演出季,科林爵士还将与德累斯顿市施达卡培拉乐团、纽约爱乐乐团和巴伐利亚广播交响乐团合作。

8.The German city of Dresden came top with its hotels receiving the highest ratings and most positive reviews from guests.德国城市德累斯顿位居榜首,该市的宾馆评级最高,受到顾客的好评也是最多。

9.Here, women clean up in Dresden in 1946 in the shadow of the wrecked Roman Cathopc cathedral.图为1946年女工们在德累斯顿被摧毁的罗马天主大教堂附近清理砖块。

10.It has pride of place in Dresden's Green Vault.它在德累斯顿绿穹珍宝馆拥有举足轻重的地位。