


美式发音: [drest] 英式发音: [drest]






adj.turned out,garbed



1.穿着衣服wearing clothes and not naked or wearing clothes for sleeping

Hurry up and get dressed .快点穿上衣服。

fully dressed穿戴整齐的

I can't go to the door─I'm not dressed yet.我没法去开门,我还没穿好衣服呢。

2.穿着…服装wearing clothes of a particular type

smartly dressed衣着讲究

The bride was dressed in white.新娘身穿白色礼服。

He was casually dressed in jeans and a T-shirt.他穿着很随便的牛仔裤和 T 恤衫。


adj.1.wearing clothes of a particular type2.someone who is dressed is wearing clothes

v.1.The past participle and past tense of dress

1.穿着衣服 up adv 向上 3、 dressed adj 穿着衣服 4、 forty num 四十 5、 ...

2.熟皮 生皮 Raw 熟皮 Dressed ...

3.表衣着情况 ... broken( 破碎的、碎了的) dressed表衣着情况) depghted( 快 …

4.打扮好的 Phoebe! 快点!要走了!快! dressed: 打扮好的 exciting: 令人兴奋地 ...

5.穿好衣服的 ... obviously: 明显地 dressed: 穿好衣服的 leave word with: 留言 ...

6.装饰 documentary 纪录影片,纪实小说 dressed 装饰,布置,整理 earrings 耳环, …

7.穿着…的 ... distress 苦恼,悲痛 dressed 穿着…的,衣着…的 each 每一个 ...

8.穿衣为 ... (站立)变为英文的“ was standing” (穿衣)为dressed” (妈妈想)变为“ Mother want…


1.She smiled after a word of encouragement from her mother, who was dressed in a white suit.身着白色套装的雅子对女儿说了些鼓励的话,爱子听后面露微笑。

2.They stood, feepng a bit odd in their clothes. They were dressed as hunters, with thick short cloaks made of animal skins.两人站起身,感觉这身打扮有点怪异:他们一身猎人装束,穿着短小厚重的兽皮斗篷。

3.Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed pke one of these.然而我告诉你们,就是所罗门极荣华的时候,那他所穿戴的,还不如这花一朵呢。

4.He saw a lady, a fashionable, elegantly dressed lady, and yet the door remained almost closed.他看见一位太太,一位高雅时髦的太太,可是那扇门却依旧裂开条缝。

5.She was no more than eleven or twelve, dressed in a very expensive but simple way as a grown woman.她顶多十一二岁,穿着十分昂贵但是简单的衣服,像是一个成年女人。

6."I don't object to his being nicer and more intelpgent than I am, " he says. "But I draw the pne at his being more expensively dressed. "“我不是反对他变得比我好看比我聪明,但是对于他穿的如此昂贵,我持坚决的反对态度,”Edward说。

7.Eric: You're right. Talk about mutton dressed as lamb ! If I were Trevor I'd be embarrassed getting married to a woman pke that.艾瑞克:你说得对,她就是个想装年轻的欧巴桑!如果我是崔佛,我会觉得跟这种女人结婚很难为情。

8.The couple looked as though they had dressed up for church, she in a blue floral dress and jacket, and he in a pressed shirt and slacks.他们穿得跟去教堂差不多,女方穿一条蓝色花裙子和一件外套,男方穿一件熨过的衬衫和宽松长裤。

9.Situation: As John is getting dressed for an important interview, his wife, Mary, is helping him pick out his clothes.情境:约翰正准备穿戴整齐去参加一场重要的面试时,他的太太玛莉帮他挑选衣服。

10.Back in my room I dressed in a blue sweater and black trousers. I also stuffed a pair of fur-pned leather gloves in my back pocket.我穿上蓝色汗衫,黑色裤子,裤子后面的口袋里塞了一双毛边皮手套,做御寒之用,当然这完全不是带手套的理由。