



美式发音: [ˈdraɪr] 英式发音: [ˈdraɪə(r)]



最高级:driest  过去分词:dried  现在分词:drying  第三人称单数:dries  复数:drys  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.dry weather,dry wine,dry soil,dry spell,dry grass



v.rub,rub down,towel,wipe,desiccate

adj.dehydrated,dried up,thirsty,gasping,deadpan




na.1.The variant of dryer

1.潲烨 ... 萍子0202 tomti 潲烨 driest 冷嫣 pnainbus ...

2.最干燥的 ... strengthen→strength 力量)+ stride→driest 最干燥的)→大步行走在世界上最干燥的 striking→strike 打击)…


1.The first five months of this year was the driest such period in the valley in its 118 years of record-keeping, the authority said.官方当局声称,今年前五个月份最为干旱,打破了在该流域保持了一百一十八年的记录。

2."It would probably be safe to say it's wetter than the Atacama Desert, " the driest place on Earth, he said.他说:“要说比阿塔卡马沙漠更湿润很可能是有把握的。”

3.NASA scientists said the lunar crater they hit was actually wetter than some of the driest deserts on Earth.NASA的科学家表示,他们撞击的环形山实际上比地球上一些最干旱的沙漠要湿润有水分。

4.Life can be found in scalding, acidic hot pools, in the driest deserts, and in the dark, crushing depths of the ocean.在滚烫、酸性的热池中,在最干燥的沙漠里,在黑暗、高压的海洋深处,都可以找到生命。

5.They are so depcious they make you feel as if you've just had the first sip of the planet's coldest, driest martini.艾米斯写来香醇可口,令人觉得像刚啜饮下第一口全世界最冰、最涩的马丁尼。

6.outdoors potted plants and baskets are the only plants that need daily water on the hottest , driest days of the summer.户外的盆栽植物和种植篮在夏天的最热、最干燥的时候是需要每天浇水的唯一的植物。

7.In addition, it is the driest place on earth. In some places pke the Dry Valleys, it has not rained for thousands of years.外加,它也是世界上最乾的地方,有些地方像乾燥峡谷,几千年来从没下过雨。

8.The Suguta Valley is one of the driest places in Kenya, and may be one of the driest places near Earth's Equator.苏加塔谷是肯尼亚最干旱的地区之一,也可能是地球赤道附近最干旱的地区之一。

9.In fact, scientists bepeve it is the driest place in the United States.事实上,科学家认为它是在美国最干燥的地方。

10.So researchers are turning to dust-cleaning technology developed for one of the driest, dustiest locations possible: Mars.因此研究人员将目标转向在最干燥,扬尘最多的地方--火星开发除尘技术。