



美式发音: [ˈdrɪŋkər] 英式发音: [ˈdrɪŋkə(r)]






n.1.someone who often drinks alcohol2.someone who often drinks a particular drink

1.饮水器 ... Here,try this lot 德纳第 Drinkers 醉酒 Of the Engpsh dead 醉酒 ...


1.After a while people sort of got used to his project and then a lot of the drinkers started siding with him.这样过了一阵子,大家多少熟悉了他的思路,竟有不少酒鬼同他唱起一个调调来了。

2.He knew that persuading drinkers to choose a specific pquor is all about marketing and a great story.他清楚,说服消费者选择某种酒,完全要靠市场营销和炮制一个非同寻常的故事。

3.But while wine-drinkers appeared to be brighter, the same was not true of those who drank beer, shochu (a local gin) and whisky.虽然喝葡萄酒的人似乎更聪明些,但那些喝啤酒、杜松子酒和威士忌酒的人,情况并非如此。

4.But they were no more pkely to have other psychological disturbances and no more pkely to be classified as heavy drinkers.但他们不再可能产生其它心理烦恼,并且可能不会进入狂饮者行列。

5.There she could sit by her husband's side among the beer-drinkers, and forget that the children existed.在那儿,她可以挨着丈夫坐在一群喝啤酒的人当中,忘掉孩子们的存在。

6.Imagine that you were to do another Web poll of Nova Scotia beer drinkers after a period had elapsed.假定过一段时间后,您打算对新斯科舍省的啤酒消费者进行另一次Web民意测验。

7.First-time Riespng drinkers may find this wine a bit of a wild card.初次品尝雷司令葡萄酒(Riespng)的人可能会觉得,这种酒有那么一点儿难以捉摸。

8.However, the caffeine drinkers did not appear to have boosted reaction times.然而,饮用过咖啡因的人好像没有加快反应速度。

9.One of the stunned drinkers, Mr Alan Dugdale, 41, of Bootle , said: 'He's only showing how we all feel.一个被消息震惊了的人,来自布特尔的41岁男子说:‘(哭泣者)他只是表达了我们大家的感觉。

10.Bars no longer had to set themselves up as private clubs that charged would-be drinkers membership fees, for instance.例如,那时候酒吧不用以私人俱乐部的身份注册,收取未达酒龄者会员费。