


美式发音: [ˈdrɪv(ə)n] 英式发音: ['drɪv(ə)n]









1.奋发努力的;发愤图强的determined to succeed, and working very hard to do so

2.受…影响的;由…造成的influenced or caused by a particular thing

a market-driven economy市场导向的经济

a character-driven movie以人物为主的电影



v.1.The past participle of drive

adj.1.always trying very hard to achieve things and be successful

1.生死极速 老鸟出招 Was tun,wenn's brennt? 生死极速 Driven 古墓丽影2 Lara Croft Tomb Raider ...

2.从动的 drive torque 驱动转矩 driven 从动的 driven gear 从动齿轮 ...

3.驾驶 ridden 骑 driven 驾驶 thrown 抛,扔 ...

4.自我鞭策型 ... 2、Temperamental( 喜怒无常) 火暴4- 职业10- 3、Driven( 自我鞭策型):决心20,野心10+ 4、Slack( 懒散的) 职业…

5.被动的 drive pinion 传动小齿轮 driven 被动的,从动的 driven gear 被动齿轮,从动齿轮 ...

6.极速竞赛 driven friction ring 被动[从动]摩擦圈 driven 受到驱策的 单词词性> driven accessary 传动附件 ...


1.Victoria stalked her way through a crowd of photographers as she left the five-star hotel before being driven to the airport.维多利亚在离开这家五星级饭店前往机场时被摄影记者包围。

2.Data and popcy moves over the last week have driven home the point that China is increasingly in a league of its own.上周公布的数据和政策动向告诉我们,中国日趋独树一帜。

3.She says she was also driven to tell her tale because Mr Berlusconi had broken a promise to her.她表示,贝卢斯科尼违背了对她的承诺,也是促使她讲出自己故事的一个原因。

4.Many academics work more than 60 hours a week and top academics are just as driven as leaders in the private sector.许多学者每周工作时间超过60个小时,而一流学者的紧迫感就和私人部门的领导者一样强烈。

5.The verdict on Mr Fuld, that he was driven not by greed but by "an overpowering desire to preserve the firm he loved" , seems too gentle.在写到富尔德的判决时,说富尔德犯罪不是因为贪婪,而是因为“保护自己所钟爱的公司的强烈的愿望”,这似乎过于温和了。

6.Continuous integration is often intricately pnked with the practice of test-driven development.持续集成常常与测试驱动的开发实践杂乱的链接在一起。

7.She said she remains driven by the same work ethic she developed as a callused child dancing in China and has no plans to slow down.她说,她的工作作风依然是小时候在内地苦练舞蹈时形成的那样,并且不打算慢下来。

8.On the street who looked at him with strange eyes, as if a laugh at this has been driven from their homes out of children.街上的人用异样的目光看着他,仿佛是嘲笑这个从家里被赶出来的孩子。

9.Duby started as a toy project, driven by my desire to have something other than Java with which we could implement JRuby.Duby始于一个小项目,我渴望能用Java之外的东西来实现JRuby。

10.For a woman who claimed to be driven by a burning desire to bring democracy to Pakistan, it was a curious legacy.作为一个声称强烈希望把民主待到巴基斯坦的女人来说,这正是一份古怪的遗嘱。