




1.西好莱坞志大游行,为同时在1970年便开始的纽约市与加州的西荷里活West Hollywood)(一开始在荷里活举行,西荷里活於1984 …

4.西坞d),往东15分锺可到比佛利区(Beveriy)与西好莱坞区(West Hollywood)。

6.加利福尼亚州西好莱坞 Studios 不开放参观。 West Hollywood 西好莱坞则是独立城市, Beachwood Drive 一路往北。 ...

8.郡西好莱坞市 美国加州洛杉矶郡西好莱坞市West Hollywood)议会廿日投票通过一项法令,将成为全美第一个明令禁售动物皮草服饰的城 …


1.Los Angeles Popce removed Mischa Barton from her West Hollywood home on Wednesday afternoon because of a " medical issue " .洛杉矶警察星期三下午把米莎巴顿从他的在好莱坞的家中带走,因为医学问题。

2.Angry crowds thronged the streets in central West Hollywood, the heart of Los Angeles' gay community, chanting slogans and waving signs.愤怒的抗议者聚集在洛杉矶同性恋聚集区西好莱坞中心的街道上,他们挥舞着标语、高喊口号,以示抗议。

3.Over the weekend, the 24-year-old actress went shopping with her baby boy Luca at Bel Bambini in West Hollywood.整个周末,这位24岁的女星和自己的宝宝Luca在西好莱坞BelBambini购物。

4.Since its beginning, West Hollywood has offered the country's closest approximation of a gay city.从一开始,西好莱坞就被认为是这个国家最近似于同性恋之城的城市。

5.Britney hit up a recording studio in West Hollywood Monday afternoon.“小甜甜”布兰妮在录音棚里打了西好莱坞星期一下午。

6.These two Bing party guests also sought out the camera at Tuesday night's Bing event in West Hollywood.这两个必应党客人还找到了在周二晚上的事件必应在西好莱坞的相机。

7."I totally missed the big Twitter boom, " says Swartz, a marketing associate in West Hollywood.“我完全没跟上这股Twitter大潮流,”在WestHollywood当市场助理的Swartz表示。

8.An early release of 'Undivided' has already been playing in dance clubs in West Hollywood and Miami.Undivided的预发版已经在西好莱坞和迈阿密的舞厅中播放。

9.Reverend Neil Thomas married John Sanchez and Joel Wilsey at West Hollywood Park.尼尔托马斯牧师在好莱坞西部公园,为桑切斯和杰里证婚。

10.Ms Hwang's first venture was aimed at opening a small restaurant serving a "high tea" concept in West Hollywood and it failed.Hwang女士首家店的目标是在好莱坞西部开一家小餐馆,供应“下午茶”,但失败了。