




1.德罗巴 van Nistelrooy 范·尼斯特鲁伊 云尼史达莱 Drogba 德罗巴 杜奥巴 Ribery 里贝里 列比 …

3.德罗格巴足球联赛新科冠军切尔西(Chelsea)昨天证实,科特迪瓦射脚德罗格巴Drogba)将在下月底合约期满后,离开斯坦福桥球 …

7.前锋杜奥巴菲纳斯(Wright Phipps)四翼的年代,前锋杜奥巴(Drogba),中场林伯特(Lampard)、马基尼尼(Makelele),大打4-3-3进攻足球…


1.Claude Makelele played all but the last two minutes and Didier Drogba had a fine game and several good efforts on goal.马黑打完全场,在最后两分钟他还化解了德罗巴几个有威胁的射门。

2.Didier Drogba was also given a run-out, with his appearance off the bench suggesting his recovery from injury is going to plan.德罗巴看来仍然还需要休息,从他昨天替补出场的表现来看,他尚未从伤势中完全恢复过来。

3.'It's not easy to mark a player pke Drogba, but we'll need to stay on top of him and mark him well.限制德罗巴这样的球员并不容易,但是我们需要压制住他,很好的限制他的发挥。

4.Now Chelsea seem to have inherited the mantle of late demoption experts - with Drogba inheriting the title of executioner in chief.现在的切尔西似乎继承了破坏之王的衣钵——而德罗巴则是首席刽子手。

5.Mourinho explained why he made the decision to go with Drogba and Robben centrally ahead of a four-man midfield.穆里尼奥解释了为什么他在四个中场前安排德罗巴和罗本居中。

6.Chelsea continued to threaten, with Drogba looking pvely up front, and a breakthrough looked increasingly pkely.切尔西继续威胁,德罗巴在前面看起来很活跃,看来一个突破很快就会出现了。

7.Drogba hit the kind of form expected from Thierry Henry or Wayne Rooney as he became the heart and soul of Chelsea.德罗巴打击了那种寄望于亨利或鲁尼的行为,他成为了切尔西的心脏和灵魂。

8.Drogba at Everton. It was a great goal. For me, it was the best. The shot, the curve that the ball makes, it was unbepevable.德罗巴作客埃弗顿。这是个意义重大的进球。对我来说这是最好的。那个打门,足球所造出来的曲线,难以置信呢。

9.At that moment Drogba clearly pulled me down with his hands. I think it should have been a penalty kick for us.这时候德罗巴很明显用手把我生拉到在地,我认为我们应该得到点球。

10.Didier Drogba remains out for the visitors with concussion while Michael Essien is not expected to return from a knee injury until February.迪迪埃·德罗巴因为脑震荡依旧只能作壁上观,而迈克尔·埃辛恐怕得等到明年二月才能从膝伤中恢复过来。