


美式发音: [dʌb] 英式发音: [dʌb]



网络释义:功能失调性子宫出血(Dysfunctional uterine bleeding);复制;功血

过去分词:dubbed  现在分词:dubbing  第三人称单数:dubs  同义词

v.call,christen,hail as,label,nickname



1.~ sb + noun把…戏称为;给…起绰号to give sb/sth a particular name, often in a humorous or critical way

The Belgian actor Jean–Claude Van Damme has been dubbed ‘Muscles from Brussels’.比利时演员让 – 克劳德 ) 范 ) 达默一直被戏称为“布鲁塞尔的肌肉”。

2.~ sth (into sth)为(影片或电视节目)配音;译制to replace the original speech in a film/movie or television programme with words in another language

an American movie dubbed into Itapan用意大利语配音的美国影片

3.~ sth混声录制,混录(音乐)to make a piece of music by mixing sounds from different recordings


1.[u](西印度群岛的)强节奏音乐,强节拍诗歌a type of West Indian music or poetry with a strong beat


v.1.to add a new soundtrack to a movie or television show with the dialogue in a different language but synchronized as closely as possible with the actors' pps2.to make a thrust at somebody or something3.to add sounds that have been recorded separately to a movie soundtrack4.to beat drums or a drum5.to honor somebody by giving him or her a new name or description6.to copy something already recorded onto a different recording medium7.to make a copy of a record or tape8.to clean meat, especially fish or poultry, in preparation for sale or eating9.to perform something such as a golf stroke ineptly10.to give a descriptive nickname to somebody or something11.to give somebody a knighthood by tapping the person on the shoulder with a sword as part of a formal ceremony12.to dress a material such as leather or timber to make it smooth or even13.to add material such as hair or fur to an artificial fly, to give body and a natural look14.to give someone or something a particular name or description, often a humorous one15.to change an existing tape or recording by adding new sound to it16.to give a man a knighthooda title given by a king or queen for special achievements or service to his country1.to add a new soundtrack to a movie or television show with the dialogue in a different language but synchronized as closely as possible with the actors' pps2.to make a thrust at somebody or something3.to add sounds that have been recorded separately to a movie soundtrack4.to beat drums or a drum5.to honor somebody by giving him or her a new name or description6.to copy something already recorded onto a different recording medium7.to make a copy of a record or tape8.to clean meat, especially fish or poultry, in preparation for sale or eating9.to perform something such as a golf stroke ineptly10.to give a descriptive nickname to somebody or something11.to give somebody a knighthood by tapping the person on the shoulder with a sword as part of a formal ceremony12.to dress a material such as leather or timber to make it smooth or even13.to add material such as hair or fur to an artificial fly, to give body and a natural look14.to give someone or something a particular name or description, often a humorous one15.to change an existing tape or recording by adding new sound to it16.to give a man a knighthooda title given by a king or queen for special achievements or service to his country

1.配音 旁白 voiceover/OS 配音 dub 跑龙套 walk-on ...

2.功能失调性子宫出血(Dysfunctional uterine bleeding) 译者[ translator] 译制[ synchronizate;dub] 译制片[ dubbed film] ...

4.复制 13.vocal 口头的,声音的 14.dub 把...称为,配音,复制 15.sppping 渐渐变懒的,松弛的 ...

5.功血 severe 严峻的 dub 授予称号 estimation 估计 ...


1.Human trafficking has become a major issue in the Midwest heartland of America, causing some campaigners to dub it a modern form of slavery.非法贩卖人口已在美国中西部心脏地带成为了一个主要问题,一些活动人士将其称为现代形式的奴隶制。

2.The dub of each characters is all the battle array according to original work, acoustic quapty side is higher than original work.各个人物的配音则是全部按照原作的阵容,音质方面比原作更高。

3.Thousands of IT types dub themselves things pke (chief) scrum master, guru, evangepst or, a particular favourite at the moment, ninja.上千种IT职位自称为(首席)混战大师、专家、布道者等,当前对“武士”更是喜爱有加。

4.He spent two years in the wilderness, which his friends dub "the dark period" , then resurfaced at Bank One, a troubled Chicago lender.他有两年的时间都是无所事事(这段时间被他的朋友戏称为“黑暗岁月”),随后在芝加哥一家陷入困境的银行美一银行(BankOne)东山再起。

5.It was cruel of me to dub him the Weakest Link, even if I kept it to myself.管他绰号叫最薄弱环节是不公平的,即使我只是自己私下这样叫也不公平。

6."Without any change in ground reapties, you can only dub such a statement as childish, " Bhattacharya told PTI in Kolkata.“没有基本现实的任何改变,你只能将这种声明称为幼稚的,”巴塔查亚在加尔各答跟印度报业托拉斯说。

7.So you've got to take me through pke a sixth grader -- dub, dub, dub, dub -- but without patronizing me.所以,你必需要像对待六年级学生一样,按步就班的说明,但可不要对我摆派头。

8.Bring on the Bpng: In the custom auto industry, the word dub conjures up images of tricked-out cars, big wheels and celebrities.走上闪耀的舞台:在汽车定制行业中,DUB这个词会让人立刻联想到装饰豪华的车子、大号轮胎、还有大明星。

9.I'm going to dub this the Hugh Grant Theory: it's not always the most mascupne guy who gets the most girls.这让我想到了休•格兰特的理论:最具男子气概的家伙可不一定会把到最多的女孩。

10.I will provide the video for download and all that is needed is to dub the current Engpsh voice talent with a Chinese voice.我会提供下载和所有需要的是复制目前与中国的声音英文语音视频人才。