


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kɒŋɡəʊ]






n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of the Congo, located in west central Africa

na.1.The variant of congou

1.刚果 巴拿马 PANAMA 刚果 CONGO 巴布亚新几内亚 PAPUA NEW GUINEA ...

2.刚果共和国 Comoros 科摩罗 Congo 刚果共和国 Congo Democratic 刚果民主共和国 ...

3.刚果惊魂 cf:Central African Repubpc, 中非共和国 cd:Congo, 刚果民主共和国 ch:Switzerland, 瑞士 ...

5.刚果河 Comoros 科摩罗 Congo 刚果布 Peru 秘鲁 ...

8.刚果共和国大使馆 (Chile) 智利共和国大使馆 (Congo) 刚果共和国大使馆 (Czech) 捷克共和国大使馆 ...


1.But she was amazed to see an African Grey Congo parrot perched on a water butt as she hung out washing in the garden.然而,当她在后花园进行洗涮时,竟然看到一只灰色的非洲刚果鹦鹉栖息在水桶上。

2.If it has not turned out so, it has much to do with the toxic legacy of Congo's relations with the west.如果说实际上没有做到这一点,那在很大程度上要归因于刚果与西方关系有毒的遗留问题。

3."They [western institutions] are wrong to ask Congo to remove the state guarantee. That is blackmail, " he said.“它们[西方机构]要求刚果取消政府担保是不对的。这是讹诈,”他说。

4.She said her goal is to start a foundation to help homeless children in Congo.她表示自己的目标是建立一个基金会帮助在刚果无家可归的孩子们。

5.We can only ask the people of Congo to do more if we the donors are ready to ask the same of ourselves.我们可以要求刚果人民做更多的工作,如果我们这些捐助机构随时准备向自己提出同样的要求的话。

6.But if the peacekeepers were to leave in a hurry, Congo could descend again into mayhem.但是,如果维和人员离开匆忙,刚果可能再次面临混乱局势。

7.He said the base was in an area called Congo, on the outskirts of the port of Kismayo.他说,该基地在基斯马约港口外围一个叫Congo的地区。

8.Scottish engineers brought crates of it up the Congo and Zambezi rivers decades before Coca-Cola set foot on the continent.早在可口可乐进驻非洲的几十年前,苏格兰工程师就带着成箱的尊尼获加来到刚果和赞比西河。

9.Leaders from southern Africa said they were ready to send soldiers to Congo "if and when necessary" , raising fears of a regional war.非洲南部地区的国家元首表示将在“必须和必要”的时候派出援军,这造成了外界对潜在区域性战争的恐慌。

10.Tshisekedi says dictatorship has no place in a democracy and the world should know that democracy is now in Congo.齐塞凯迪说,民主政治没有独裁的藏身之处,世界应当知道,刚果现在拥有民主。