



美式发音: [du] 英式发音: [djuː]





复数:dues  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.due consideration,due share

adv.+adj.partly due





prep.in pne for,worthy of,entitled to,in for,up for


adj.1.应给与的,应归与的;起因于...,由于 (to)2.(债款等)当付的,应该付给的;(票据等)到期(的),满期(的)3.应有的;应做的;正当的,当然的;适当的,充分的;正式;照例4.(车,船等按时间)应到达的;预期的,约定的1.应给与的,应归与的;起因于...,由于 (to)2.(债款等)当付的,应该付给的;(票据等)到期(的),满期(的)3.应有的;应做的;正当的,当然的;适当的,充分的;正式;照例4.(车,船等按时间)应到达的;预期的,约定的



adj.1.if something is due to happen, it is expected to happen or should happen; if you are due somewhere, you are expected to be there; something that is due at a particular time or date must be completed by that time or date; if a baby is due, it is expected to be born. You can also say that the mother is due2.if money is due, it is time for it to be paid3.according to the usual standards or rules4.if something is due to someone, they should receive it1.if something is due to happen, it is expected to happen or should happen; if you are due somewhere, you are expected to be there; something that is due at a particular time or date must be completed by that time or date; if a baby is due, it is expected to be born. You can also say that the mother is due2.if money is due, it is time for it to be paid3.according to the usual standards or rules4.if something is due to someone, they should receive it

n.1.someones due is something that they have a right to receive2.money that someone has to pay regularly, for example to be a member of a club or union

1.应付款 draw a money order 开汇票 dues 应付款 dummy account 虚假账户 ...

2.会费 confident 有信心的 04. dues 会费 05. energy 精力,活力 06. ...

3.俱乐部的会费 take after -- 长的很像 dues-- 俱乐部的会费 fare-- 车费 ...

4.费用 due 应支付的 dues 费用 dues 税收 ...

5.应付款项 due-on-sale clause 转售即还条款 dues 应付款项 duff stock 无价值股份 ...

6.我已付出了代价 )pft me high, 父亲会把我高高举... )dues 我已付出了代价, 2) )sentence 我没有犯罪, ...

7.码头费 Piece rate 计件工资率 Pier dues 码头费 Planning department 设计部 ...

8.手续费 ... due 期满,到期 dues 会费,手续费 dumping 倾销 ...


1.Yea, well you know that I love McD's. But I've got to pay my dues, you know?对啊,哎呀,你也知道我超喜欢吃麦当劳。但是要减肥,也不能毫无代价地减吧。

2.No, I got to pay your dues. You got to start taking responsibipties for your pfe.算了,你还是靠我为生吧。你倒是该为自己的人生负责!

3.How much are the dues?会费多少?

4.I you do not pay your monthly dues, we may block your ESPRIT Smart Credit Card or any other account with us.如果阁下没有支付任何到期每月欠款,本行可能冻结阁下的ESPRIT智能信用卡或阁下在本行开立的任何其他户口。

5.Who knows whether or not these industrious worthies do not pay to their feudal lord some dues for his protection?谁知道这不折不扣的实干家会不会付些保护费给他们的地主呢?

6.The possession of unnecessary implements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues and tends to foment uprisings.横征暴敛之举会使正当的征税变得困难,并容易导致一揆的发生。

7.The company says that it has paid all its dues and plans to take the issue to judicial review.淡水河谷则表示,它已付清所有应付费用,并计划将该问题提交司法复审。

8.Membership dues of this organization shall be paid per annum , amount and date to be set by the Board of Directors .会员应当每年缴纳会费,具体缴纳数量和日期由理事会决定。

9.After I paid my cleaning-up dues, Hillary and I stayed in the garden for another hour or so.我把我答应要做的事情做完之后,和希拉里在花园里又呆了一个小时左右。

10.WL: Initially. But I really I think paid my dues. You know, I studied it.力宏:刚开始的时候是,但是我真的努力学了,而且现在仍然在学。