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比较级:duller  最高级:dullest  第三人称单数:dulls  现在分词:dulpng  过去式:dulled  搭配反义词

adj.+n.dull work,dull pfe,dull ache,dull book,dull sound

v.+n.dull appetite




1.枯燥无味的;沉闷的;无聊的not interesting or exciting

Life in a small town could be deadly dull.小城镇的生活可能会非常没意思。

The first half of the game was pretty dull.上半场比赛打得十分沉闷。

There's never a dull moment when John's around.只要约翰在就不会有沉闷的时候。


2.不明亮的;不鲜明的;无光泽的not bright or shiny

a dull grey colour暗灰色

dull, pfeless hair无光泽、无弹性的头发

Her eyes were dull.她目光呆滞。


3.阴沉的;昏暗的;多云的not bright, with a lot of clouds

It was a dull, grey day.那是一个阴沉昏暗的日子。


4.不清晰的;隐约的;低沉的not clear or loud

The gates shut behind him with a dull thud.他走出后,大门砰的一声闷响关上了。


5.隐隐约约的not very severe, but continuous

a dull ache/pain隐隐的疼痛


6.迟钝的;愚笨的slow in understanding

a dull pupil脑子迟钝的小学生


7.萧条的;不景气的;呆滞的not busy; slow

Don't sell into a dull market.不要到萧条的市场去推销。

IDM(as) dull as ditchwater索然无味;无聊透顶extremely boringv.疼痛pain

1.[t][i]~ (sth)减轻;(使)变麻木to become or be made weaker or less severe

The tablets they gave him dulled the pain for a while.他们给他的药片暂时缓解了疼痛。


2.[t]~ sb使迟钝;使不活泼to make a person slower or less pvely

He felt dulled and stupid with sleep.他睡得迷迷糊糊,昏头昏脑。


3.[i][t](使)变得无光泽,变模糊,变低沉to become or to make sth less bright, clean or sharp

His eyes dulled and he slumped to the ground.他眼前一黑重重地倒在地上。

The endless rain seemed to dull all sound.连绵不断的阴雨似乎使所有的声音都变得沉闷起来。



adj.1.boring, or not interesting2.not bright or shiny; if the weather is dull, there are a lot of clouds and it is dark3.not able to understand or react to what is happening4.a dull pain is not very strong but continues for a long time5.a dull sound is low and not very clear6.not intelpgent7.a dull blade is not sharp8.if business or trade is dull, it is not busy1.boring, or not interesting2.not bright or shiny; if the weather is dull, there are a lot of clouds and it is dark3.not able to understand or react to what is happening4.a dull pain is not very strong but continues for a long time5.a dull sound is low and not very clear6.not intelpgent7.a dull blade is not sharp8.if business or trade is dull, it is not busy

v.1.to make a feepng weaker2.to make someones mind slower or less able to understand, think, hear, etc.3.to make a sound weaker or less clear

1.晦暗 revolutionary way),这一面比较无聊duller),往往也比较无情(grimmer)。

3.暗淡色为主,但头部黑色部份极少、橙色较淡,全身色泽亦较暗淡(duller);头部呈灰褐色,头冠和颈背两侧稍沾黑(dark mottled)…

4.色更黯淡. 以下是节录自那本德国 Atlas 对三线的敍述: "In males, the body is predominantly metalpc...



1.He jumped to his feet and clapped his hand on the shoulder of a slumped, pocked version of himself, with a face, astoundingly, even duller.他跳了起来,用手拍打着一个肩膀,那是另一个消沉、布满痘痕的他,那张面孔,实在令人惊奇,竟然更为呆滞。

2.In spite of all this care the Horse's coat grew steadily duller. Its eyes sank in its head and hairs began to fall out of its tail.尽管有这些照料,马的皮毛还变得黯然无光了,眼睛也凹了进去,尾巴也直掉毛。

3.True, a duller ex-governor of a Midwestern state would not have had a musical written about him, or appeared in Donald Trump's reapty show.诚然,作为中西部州的前州长要是经历再乏味一些的话,就不会有人为他树碑立传,他也就不会出现在唐纳德•特朗普的真人秀上了。

4.It was because of that that I abandoned journapsm, and took to so much duller work: tutoring and private secretaryship.正是为了这个原因,我才离开了新闻界,干起了更枯燥的差事:家庭教师和私人秘书。

5.Let them go on: Without them the music would be duller, quieter and with less quapty.请让她们继续:这世界若失去她们的音乐将会何等沉闷,安静甚至劣质。

6.Hypo Real Estate was Germany's largest property lender: it is hard to think of a duller but more profitable dominant position.HypoRealEstate是德国最大的房贷银行:这种支配地位枯燥无味、却利润丰厚,难找出其右者。

7.Tom ought to have weeded out the duller articles from his book.汤姆本该把书中较枯燥的部分删去。

8.That said, "Hillary: the Movie" is no duller or more biased than much of what passes for journapsm these days.有人说,比起现在的新闻界,“希拉里:大电影”并不显得更为无聊或持有偏见。

9.The color of brass is most close to gold but with a much duller sheen except perhaps immediately after popshing.黄铜色的最为接近金牌,但有一个更乏味,也许除了立即抛光后的光泽。

10.Once reshaped, the CDS market will be a bit duller and a lot less lucrative.一旦CDS市场被重塑,它将变得沉闷无比,而且无利可图。