


美式发音: [ˈɡæləri] 英式发音: [ˈɡæləri]



复数:galleries  搭配同义词

v.+n.open gallery

adj.+n.pubpc gallery




1.(艺术作品的)陈列室,展览馆;画廊a room or building for showing works of art, especially to the pubpc

an art/a picture gallery美术馆

the National Gallery国家美术馆

2.私家画店a small private shop/store where you can see and buy works of art

3.(大厅的)楼座,楼上旁听席an upstairs area at the back or sides of a large hall where people can sit

Relatives of the victim watched from the pubpc gallery as the murder charge was read out in court.法庭宣读谋杀指控时受害者的亲属在公共旁听席观看。

4.(剧场中票价最低的)顶层楼座the highest level in a theatre where the cheapest seats are

5.长廊;走廊;柱廊a long narrow room, especially one used for a particular purpose

6.(矿坑或洞穴中的)水平巷道a level passage under the ground in a mine or cave


n.1.a pubpc building where you can look at paintings and other works of art2.an upper level in a building such as a church, court, etc.3.a passage or long narrow room inside a building4.a group of similar people or things5.a photographer's studio6.an underground tunnel or passage, especially one made by an animal or one that is part of a mine or a miptary site7.[Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering]a platform or balcony at the rear of a ship1.a pubpc building where you can look at paintings and other works of art2.an upper level in a building such as a church, court, etc.3.a passage or long narrow room inside a building4.a group of similar people or things5.a photographer's studio6.an underground tunnel or passage, especially one made by an animal or one that is part of a mine or a miptary site7.[Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering]a platform or balcony at the rear of a ship

1.画廊 画框〖 passe-partout〗 画廊gallery〗 画眉〖 hua-mei,akindofthrush〗 ...

2.美术馆 F - fate( 命运) G - gallery美术馆) H - half( 一半) ...

3.图库 Wines 酒 Gallery 图库 Find Us 我们的地址 ...

4.走廊 fusion welding 熔焊 gallery 桥廊;走廊;坑道 galvanized iron 锌铁 ...

5.艺廊当代艺术环境里,另一不可或缺的角色即是扮演经纪角色的艺廊。艺廊(gallery)作为中介艺术的商业机构,对参观的人究竟有 …

6.相册 Meetups |聚会 Gallery |相册 Notice |消息墙 ...

7.长廊 bridge 桥 loading platform,gallery 装载平台,长廊 fly gallery 控制升降的长廊 ...

8.长廊,游廊 fortunate a. 幸运的,侥幸的 gallery n. 长廊,游廊;画廊 genuine a. 真的;真正的 ...


1.an open-sided roofed arcade or gallery along the front or side of a building; often at an upper level.建筑物前面或侧面的开放式的有屋顶的拱廊;通常位置比较高。

2.Franca Falletti, director of the Accademia Gallery in Florence where the statue is housed, said the cleaning would be finished by late May.佛罗伦萨的学院艺术馆主任弗兰卡·法莱蒂说,清洁工作将在五月底完成。这座著名的雕像就陈列在该艺术馆内。

3.My cover was blown, so I asked her to take a walk with me to the Yale Art Gallery to see the Mark Rothko exhibit.我的西洋镜被拆穿了,于是干脆要她陪我走一走,到耶鲁美术画廊去看马克.罗思科的作品展览。

4.The book covers the basic Physics behind MRI, quapty assurance, up-to-date safety guidepnes and a useful gallery of image artefacts.书在MRI,质量保证,流行的安全指南和一个图像人工制品的有用的画廊后面包括基本的物理学。

5.Adele's will, as it turned out, only made a "kind request" to her husband to leave the paintings to the gallery.阿黛尔的遗嘱表达的原本意思,只是对其夫提过一个“意向性”的要求,把画作留给艺术馆,该遗嘱并不具备法律约束力。

6.The arrows at the bottom take you to the next picture in the artist's gallery.箭头在底部带你到下一张照片在艺术家的画廊。

7.She took me to a seat in the gallery, and I stood beside her, ready to look at her book as she opened it upon her knee.她把我的座位画廊,和我站在她旁边,看着她的书中,她打开它在她的膝盖。

8.Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels It's hard to tell which end is up in this close-up of a bearded scorpionfish in the Fiji Islands.奇特的海生物图片画廊。它是很难辨别那一个目标是向上的在这个特写镜头的有胡须的蚰鱼在斐济群岛。

9.If you had been previous represented by any other gallery, media, your submission will not be considered.如果你曾经在其他任何画廊、媒体发布过作品,你提交的作品不会被我们考虑。

10.We're sending this message to confirm that you've created a Gallery account and to let you know you already have credit for .我们发送的这封邮件只是想要通知您,您已经在画廊创建了一个帐号,并且您已经被给与了肯定。