


美式发音: [duˈməs] 英式发音: [djuˈmɑ:]

n.仲马;Alexandre Dumas 大仲马



n.1.仲马2.Alexandre Dumas 大仲马3.Alexandre Dumas 小仲马

1.大仲马 巴尔扎克 Balzac 大仲马 Dumas 雨果 Hugo ...

2.另一个大仲马 Sandy Lobry ....Louisette.

3.文豪大仲马 ... 午夜旋律( Round Midnight, 1986) 文豪大仲马( DUMAS, 2010) 独自上路( ONE FOR THE ROA…

4.大仲马小仲马父子 左拉 Zola 大仲马小仲马父子 Dumas 莫泊桑 Manpassant ...

5.迪马öhler)成功合成了尿素 3) 1834 年, 法国的杜马(Dumas), 系统定量地研究了卤化反应, 提出了“取代学说” 4) 1842 年, 日拉 …


1.Charles Dumas of London-based Lombard Street Research brings this point out in an analysis with which I have great sympathy.伦敦朗伯德街研究(LombardStreetResearch)的查尔斯•杜马斯(CharlesDumas)在一篇分析中提出了上述观点,对此我深有同感。

2.Alexandre Dumas was the grandson of a French marquis and a beautiful Caribbean creole of mixed French and African descent.大仲马是法国侯爵和一个美丽的混合法语和克里奥尔语非裔加勒比孙子。

3.Margaret ( Margo ) was a real person, author Alexandre Dumas, fall in love with her, finally left her. Miss, just write down this tragedy.玛格丽特(玛歌)是一个真实的人,作者小仲马爱上她,最后离开她。因为怀念,才写下这个悲剧。

4.It is often considered to be, along with "The Three Musketeers" , Dumas' most popular work.它通常和《三剑客》一起被认为是大仲马最受世人欢迎的作品。

5.The French governor Dumas sent a present of ten bottles of pqueurs to Raghuji, who gave them to his wife.法国总督杜马以甜酒十瓶相赠,拉古吉都交了给妻子。

6.One popular theory, that he was an older brother of Louis XIV, became the basis for Alexander Dumas' classic tale The Man in the Iron Mask.很多人认为,那名囚犯就是路易十四的哥哥。大仲马的经典作品,《铁面人》就是根据这个说法创作的。

7.In Puget Sound, big blooms of sea lettuce often break down in Dumas Bay. This process of rotting uses up oxygen and kills marine pfe.在PugetSound经常有大规模的海莴苣泛滥,该过程将海水中的氧气消耗殆尽,使海水生物丧命。

8.In his last days he was supported by his illegitimate son, the author Alexandre Dumas the Younger.在生命的后期,他主要依靠私生子--小仲马资助生活。

9.It was years before at the age of thirteen when an uncle was married in Dumas, Texas.那是好几年前在他十三岁的时候,那时一个叔叔在德州杜马斯(Dumas,Texas)结婚。

10.Mr Dumas thinks it is now in the country's interest to let the yuan appreciate.杜马斯认为,现在让人民币升值符合中国的利益。