


美式发音: [ˈbækər] 英式发音: [ˈbækə(r)]



复数:backers  同义词




1.支持者;资助者;赞助人a person or company that gives support to sb/sth, especially financial support


n.1.someone who gives help or money to a plan or organization

1.支持者 bankruptcy n. 破产 backer n. 支持者 backing n. 支援;后盾;倒退 ...

2.靠山 靠拢〖 closeup;drawcloseto〗 靠山backer〗 靠山吃山,靠水吃水〖 makegooduseoflocalreso…

3.靠头 靠手〖 armrest〗 靠头backer〗 靠托〖 dependupon〗 ...

4.财务支持人 325 auditing ① 审计②审计学 363 backer ① 票据担保人②财务支持人 381 balance ① 余额②平衡 ...

5.衬料 Back wall pillar 后围立柱 Backer 衬料 Bag Molding 气囊施压成型(袋模法) ...

6.资助人 backdate 倒填日期 backer 资助人 backlog 积压,积压的工作 ...

7.背衬 ... in power: 当权的,当政的 backer: 投资者,赞助者 pull out: 这里都是撤资的意思 ...


1.Even Iran, his strongest local backer, betrays doubts over whether to stick with him for ever.甚至阿萨德在本地区最有力的支持者伊朗也在透露不一定永远支持他的信息。

2.Intel Corp. is a major backer of the technology, making it pkely that chips will show up in laptops from other manufacturers as well.作为这一技术的主要支持者英特尔会使这种芯片也出现在其他公司的笔记本电脑中。

3.Col Gaddafi was one of the main founders of the AU and its key financial backer.而卡扎菲本人就是非洲联盟的主要创建者和资助者之一。

4.Creative director Bill Backer makes the point that you don't have to be "creative" in the everyday sense of the word.有创造力的指导者比尔援助者制造你不须的点在字的每天感觉中是“有创造力的”。

5.The largest economy in Europe has been a reluctant and frequently obstreperous backer of the bailouts of Greece and Ireland.这个欧洲最大的经济体德国一直是希腊和爱尔兰的援助方,早已表现出了不情愿和闹嚣。

6.Projects that have a commercial backer for the most part seem to thrive and grow at a faster rate than those that rely on true volunteers.拥有商业后盾的项目大多都可以迅速发展起来,这与真正依赖拥护者的项目形成了鲜明的对比。

7.e. g. For thirty years, this wealthy American businessman was the backer of this enormously expensive project of photographing.30年来,这位美国富商一直是这项耗资巨大的摄影计划的资助人。

8.Mr. Backer said such particles could reach the West Coast in a matter of days, but that the radiation would be at low levels.巴克说,这类粒子可能会在数日之内抵达西海岸,但辐射水平会较低。

9.there must be a patron, but than backer also repable, is to let their own value.一定要有靠山,但比靠山还可靠的,是让自己有价值。

10.The exit of a venture capitapst can be painful for some start-ups, which are left in uncertain straits since their backer is gone.对一些初创企业来说,风险投资家抽身而去给他们带来了痛苦,由于支持它们的风险投资家离去,它们会置身于充满不确定性的窘境。