


美式发音: [dʌm] 英式发音: [dʌm]



比较级:dumber  最高级:dumbest  第三人称单数:dumbs  现在分词:dumbing  过去式:dumbed  



1.哑的;不能说话的unable to speak

She was born deaf and dumb .她天生又聋又哑。

2.一时说不出话的;不肯开口的temporarily not speaking or refusing to speak

We were all struck dumb with amazement.我们都惊讶得说不出话来。

We sat there in dumb silence.我们坐在那里,默然无语。


That was a pretty dumb thing to do.做那样的事太愚蠢了。

If the popce question you, act dumb(= pretend you do not know anything) .如果警察盘问,你就装傻。

In her early movies she played a dumb blonde .在她早期的电影中,她扮演傻乎乎的金发女郎。



adj.1.stupid2.temporarily unable or unwilpng to speak, especially because you are very shocked; permanently unable to speak. This word is now usually considered offensive. The more usual word is speech impaired.

1.哑的 comedy n. 喜剧 335. dumb a. 哑的;沉默的 336. dump vt. 倾卸,倾倒 337. ...

2.沉默的 334. comedy n. 喜剧 335. dumb a. 哑的;沉默的 336. dump vt. 倾卸,倾倒 ...

3.无言的 due adj. 到期的,预定的;应得的; dumb adj. 哑的,无言的 dumbfound v. …

4.愚蠢的 hurry 催促(某人) dumb 愚蠢的;傻的;笨的 grin 露齿而笑 ...

5.愚笨的 deaf a. 聋的 dumb a. 哑的;愚笨的 deaf-and-dumb a. 聋哑的 ...

6.哑巴 deaf 聋的; 聋人 dumb 哑的; 哑巴 lame 跛的 ...


1.I must be the only one dumb enough to think it might have been that way.我一定是唯一一个傻到认为它是那么组词的。

2.At first he was just a pttle bit dumb, but suddenly he shouted at all of us and said there was cheating taking place.开始的时候,他还只是有点沉默而已,后来突然就朝我们大声嚷嚷起来,觉得我们骗他了。

3.But, I'm not a dumb clown, people who talks to me will understand what i try to say in my jokes.不过,我不是一个蠢小丑,和我聊天过的人会在我的幽默中明白我所要表达的。

4.She phoned him to tell that story, he is silent dumb is become, she says: "I do not let this kind of thing happen on him body absolutely. "她打电话给他讲了那个故事,他沉默不说话的当儿,她说:“我绝不让这种事情在自己身上发生。”

5.He's earnest and dumb enough to wade into District 9, trying to get a "signature" from each of the 1. 8 milpon prawns MNU is moving.威库斯傻头傻脑、一本正经地深入第九区腹地,想要让总数达180万的“大虾”一个个在MNU订立的迁徙协议上“签字”确认。

6."Making people stand all day is dumb, " he said.他说:“让人们整天站着工作是愚蠢的主张。”

7.One seems to age fifty aunt took away her dumb a voice, as if the vocal cords in card is full of dust, sound pathetic in shows.一个看来年纪五十开外的大娘首先发难,她哑着嗓子,好像声带里卡满了灰尘,音质中透着悲情哀戚。

8."This was a very dumb thing to do, it was a very hurtful thing to do, " he said from the stage, tears in his eyes.“这是很愚蠢的事,这也是很有伤害性的事,”他在台上说道,眼里噙着泪水。

9.It was never meant to be deployed only in a rage or in a hurry by our dumb and vulgar selves. It's just a signal.它从不意味着冒犯,也并不是我们在愤怒或匆忙间愚蠢粗俗的举措,它只是一个信号而已。

10.I showed a photograph of it to Diana Moon Glampers, and she said, 'Maybe I'm dumb, Mr. Rosewater, but I wouldn't give that thing house room.我给戴安娜看了一张那幅画的照片,然后她说‘我可能很笨,罗斯华特先生,但我不会给这玩艺一个展厅。’