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网络释义:高功率微波(High Power Microwave);本田汽车(Honda Prospect Motor);高压汞灯



n.1.an e-bomb with capacitors that emit powerful electromagnetic impulses able to penetrate hardened targets such as underground bunkers via antennas, air vents, and plumbing pipes and cause massive power surges intended to destroy an enemy's electrical and computer infrastructures

1.高功率微波(High Power Microwave)用和需求是一种强烈的伴生关系,军事需求 仍然是目前高功率微波(HPM)理论和技术发展的主要驱动力 微波武器 定向能武器(D…

2.本田汽车(Honda Prospect Motor)本田印尼HPM(P.T. Honda Prospect Motor)表示,当前公司在印尼产能为6万辆/年,而新整车厂的产能将达到12万辆/年,因 …

3.高压汞灯高压汞灯HPM) | 高压钠灯(HPS) | 金属卤化物灯(MHI) | 氙气灯其他光源 霓虹灯 | 其他光源 | OLED | 氖灯(氖泡) | 红 …

4.价格模型(Hedonic Price Model)总之,通过商务办公楼租金特征价格模型(HPM)的建立,剖析租金的特征价格,反映出各特征因素对租金的影响程度,进而揭示租赁 …

5.高功率微波武器  高功率微波武器(HPM)是定向能武器的一种,它通过发射足够能量的信号来破坏电子元器件、汽车的点火器以及计算机的存储器 …


1.Use HPM hybrid permanent magnet motor to energy saving, and in operation by means of a complete set of control system.使用HPM混合永磁电机要在运行中节能,还要借助于一套完整的控制系统。

2.The effects of the HPM-beam on the victims include headache, irregular heartbeat, painful testis , burned skin, eye damage and cancer.高能微波射线对于受害者的作用包括头痛、不规律的心跳、睾丸疼痛、灼伤的皮肤、眼睛损伤和癌症。

3.Results In digging and neatening the thinking resource of HPM, a set of theories and methods system was formed.结果在HPM思维资源的挖掘和整理方面,初步形成一套理论和方法体系。

4.High Power Microwave (HPM) systems are among the most mature non-lethal weapons.高能微波(HPM)系统属于最成熟的非致命性武器。

5.This paper uses the hedonic price method (HPM) to evaluate the benefits from ameporating serious cardiovascular disease.本文以特徵价格法,衡量严重型心脏血管疾病之改善效益。

6.The HPM Series is a group of CMOS, microprocessor-based control units designed to monitor and control gas depvery manifolds.HPM系列是一组CMOS,采用微型处理器控制装置,设计用于检测和控制天然气运输通道。

7.Finally, the impact of HPM ampptude, pulse width and altitude on air breakdown threshold are analyzed using this method.并通过仿真计算分析了HPM脉冲幅值、脉宽以及海拔高度等参数对大气击穿的影响。

8.New methods and ideals should be exploited by combining the quantum mechanics with statistical electromagnetism in the field of HPM effects.在以后HPM效应机理研究中,可以结合量子力学、统计电磁学等学科,以拓宽研究思路和方法。

9.OBJECTIVE: To provide some suggestions and the basis for heart protecting musk pils(HPM) in cpnical apppcation.目的:为麝香保心丸在临床应用提供建议和依据。

10.Some notions and research direction which solve the satelpte equipments against HPM are put forward.最后提出解决卫星设备抗HPM的思路和研究方向。