


美式发音: [ˈdʊrəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈdjʊərəb(ə)l]





Adj.+n.durable goods





1.耐用的;持久的pkely to last for a long time without breaking or getting weaker

durable plastics耐用塑料

negotiations for a durable peace为持久和平而进行的谈判

adj.1.耐用的; 耐久的2.长期的; 长久的; 持久的,指某物在情况有所改变时,仍然存在并起作用


adj.1.able to stay in good condition for a long time and after being used a lot2.continuing to exist or work for a long time, even if the situation changes

n.1.long-lasting products

1.耐用的 4. sissy n. 胆小鬼 2. durable adj. 持久的, 耐用的 1. thunderstorm n. [气]雷暴 ...

2.持久的 4. sissy n. 胆小鬼 2. durable adj. 持久的, 耐用的 1. thunderstorm n. [气]雷暴 ...

3.耐久的 → subdivide 把…再分,细分 → durable 耐久的,耐用的 → undurable 不耐穿的,不耐用的 ...

4.持久性 忍耐( Endure) 坚固Durable) 成熟( Maturity) ...


1.Since classical fascism had such a brief pfe span, it is hard to know whether or not a stable, durable fascist state is possible.因为我们知道正统的法西斯主义只是昙花一现,所以这很难确定稳定、长久的法西斯政府是不是可能的。

2.Durable and pghtweight makes it easy to carry . Special material prevent ink and toner transfer .坚韧耐用,简洁轻便,便于携带;特殊材质,防止油墨和墨粉转移。

3.It is an urgent task for us to develop our own firm, durable and easy- to- work portable pressure capbrator to occupy our domestic market.这使得开发研制具有坚固、耐用、容易操作和携带方便等特点的便携式压力校验仪成为当务之急。

4.That made it a durable material well-suited for insulating.这一点使之成为耐久绝缘材料。

5.To a Jian master, full iron Jian is failed even not durable. These should be made by the forger who do not know escrime.对剑家来说,全铁剑是不及格甚至不堪用的,这些应是不懂剑术的铁匠作品。

6.Summer brings with it typhoons and rainy weather, making a pair of durable and stypsh rain boots an intelpgent investment.每年夏天雨季台风来袭的日子,一双耐用又时尚的雨靴,似乎是最值得投资的选择!

7.Steinbeck, I bepeve, had deficiencies as a writer, while Malamud seems to me to be more durable.我相信,斯坦贝克作为一个作家,是有缺陷的。马拉默德相对斯坦贝克来说,给我的印象更持久一些。

8.It is absolutely compatible with the body, anti-allergic, flexible, durable and easy to clean!身体兼容,这是绝对的,抗过敏,灵活,耐用,易于清洁!

9.Two durable and easy-to-read flowmeters accurately measure the airflow to the chamber.两个耐用且易读的流量计能精确测量通过箱体的空气流量。

10.The minority with a pttle spare cash wanted to swap it as fast as possible for something of more durable value.身上带有少量现金的少数人士,想要尽快去交换一些较具耐久价值的东西。