


美式发音: ['dʊ.reks] 英式发音: ['djʊəreks]






1.杜蕾斯避孕套a condom


v.1.a trademark for a condoms2.a trademark for a brand of transparent adhesive tape

un.1.a type of condom

1.杜蕾斯 ¥ 98.00 ¥ 123.00 便宜得不得了 康达 双面炭化环保竹席折叠镜面竹凉席子(无枕... ¥ 69.00 …

2.杜蕾丝n USA)、亚马逊书店(Amazon网址被屏蔽)、杜蕾斯保险套Durex)、强生公司旗下杨森大药厂、博士伦眼镜公司、新西兰航 …


1.Let's face it. Condoms are a bit of downer. So how do we convince guys to put it on? And make durex the favoured choice.认了吧,套套就是会让人兴致全无。所以我们要怎么才能说服男生用它、并认准杜蕾斯这个品牌呢?

2.Durex marketing manager Sam White was hiring Austrapans over the age of 18 who could apply for one of 200 positions as a condom tester.杜蕾斯营销经理山姆怀特计划聘用年满18岁的澳大利亚人,他们可以申请成为200个避孕套测试员之一。

3.A study by Durex found that the average couple has sex 45 times a year, less than half the global average of 103 times.据一项杜蕾斯进行的调查结果,日本一对夫妇平均每年做爱45次,不及全球每对夫妇平均年做爱103次的一半水平。

4.A 2003 Durex study found that across the globe, people have sex an average of 127 times a year.2003年,杜蕾斯研究中心发现世界上的人平均每年嘿咻127次。

5.Durex sexual well being survey is an annual affair in which they reveal trends across the globe.杜蕾斯性福调查每年进行一次,披露的是全球趋势。

6.Durex college is noble college in this school begins at let us warmly celebrate celebration!杜蕾丝学院是贵族学院在这开学之际让我们热烈庆祝开学庆典!

7.The Extra Sensitive from Durex is The Thinnest Latex condom in the Durex product pne.超敏感装是杜蕾斯产品系列最薄的乳胶避孕套。

8.It reckons it will be able to compete alongside global brands such as Durex, now part of Reckitt Benckiser, and Ansell of Austrapa.它自认未来将能够与杜蕾斯和澳大利亚的Ansell等全球品牌相抗衡。杜蕾斯是利洁时(ReckittBenckiser)旗下品牌。

9.Article Ten: Anyone shall apply prior to the usage of non-Durex Condoms.第十条:如使用非杜雷斯避孕套需事先进行申请。

10.Durex commercial: To those who use the products from our competitors: Happy Father's Day.杜蕾丝广告:致所有使用我们竞争对手产品的人们:父亲节快乐。