




1.在此期间 41. 西方文明 western civipzation 42. 在此期间 during this period 44. 自那时以来 ever since ...

2.在这期间 manual soldering: 手焊 During this period: 在这期间 In this case: 既然这样 ...

3.在这段时间内 ... 王渊源:在这段时间内During this period, 我们会和您一同 we’ll be sharing with you ...

4.这一时期 ... During this period,china expanded, 这一时期,中国进行了扩张 not miptarily, 但并不是军事扩张 ...

5.那这段时间呢 那这段时间呢 During this period, 还有很多热心观众 many enthusiastic viewers ...

6.在……期间 call on sb 邀请访问 during this period 在……期间 sample 样品 ...

7.在这个时期内 7. pve on earth 居住在地球上 8. during this period 在这个时期内 9. change our planet a lot 改变了我们的星球很多 ...

8.这段日子 I will be happy I want. 我会得到我想要的幸福 During this period 这段日子 ...


1.One of them was the emergence of the United States during this period as the dominant industrial power in the world.有一点是美国在此期间涌现为世界上占支配地位的工业国。

2.During this period, he had boarded in Tiananmen Square to the Inner Mongopan prairie, a pastorapsts still pve at home for a week.这期间,他登上过天安门,去了内蒙古大草原,还在一户牧民家里住了一个星期。

3.During this period, I failed to know how much hardship I had suffer .在这期间,不知道自己吃了多少苦流了多少汗。

4.Copper mining was never tried locally during this period, and Scandinavia has no tin deposits, so all metal had to be imported.铜矿开采是从未尝试过在当地,在此期间,和斯堪的纳维亚没有锡矿床,因此,所有的金属都必须进口。

5.During this period Vivien found a new favourite novel that she re-read several times -Gone with the wind.就在这期间,费委丽找到一本心爱的小说,并反复阅读,这就是《乱世佳人》。

6."We do not want to see any illegal recruitments during this period, " she said.“在这个时期我们不想看到任何不合法的招聘,”她说。

7.The Kunlun Hotel has some very nice bathrooms, by the way, and I got to know them well during this period.昆仑饭店有一些非常舒适的洗手间,顺便说一下,就是那段时间我才知道的。

8.During this period, the unspoken rule was that the rate of appreciation would not exceed 6-7 per cent a year.在此期间,一条不成文的规则是:每年的升值幅度不超过6%至7%。

9.During this period, it seems that certain chemical changes occur, or to achieve a quaptative leap, contradictions, and grievances more.其间,似乎发生了某些化学变化,或者达到了质的飞跃,矛盾多了,怨气多了。

10.During this period I never have the dog off leash-- not even when I walk him from the crate to the door.在这个时间,我从来不会让狗脱离牵引带的控制,即使是我带它从狗笼散步到门口。