



美式发音: [swel] 英式发音: [swel]





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v.+n.swell volume



v.puff up,increase,add to




swells显示所有例句v.— see alsoswollen

1.[i]~ (up)膨胀;肿胀to become bigger or rounder

Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.她胳膊给蜜蜂蜇了,肿了起来。

2.[i][t](使)凸出,鼓出to curve out or make sth curve out

The sails swelled (out) in the wind.船帆鼓满了风。

The wind swelled (out) the sails.风鼓起了帆。

3.[t][i](使)增加,增大,扩大to increase or make sth increase in number or size

Last year's profits were swelled by a fall in production costs.去年因生产成本下降,利润有所增加。

We are looking for more volunteers to swell the ranks(= increase the number) of those already helping.我们期盼有更多的志愿者加入,以壮大目前已在提供帮助的队伍。

Membership has swelled to over 20 000.成员增加到 2 万余人。

4.[i]变得更响亮;增强to become louder

The cheering swelled through the hall.欢呼声越来越大,响彻大厅。

5.[i]~ (with sth)充满(激情)to be filled with a strong emotion

to swell with pride满腔自豪


1.[c][ususing]海浪的涌动;涌浪the movement of the sea when it rises and falls without the waves breaking

The boat was caught in a heavy(= strong) swell.船遇上了大浪涌。

2.[sing](尤指身体部位)凸起的形状,鼓出处,隆起处the curved shape of sth, especially a part of the body

the firm swell of her breasts她挺拔的乳峰

3.[sing]增加;增大;扩大;增强a situation in which sth increases in size, number, strength, etc.

a growing swell of support越来越多的支持

a swell of pride自豪感的增强

4.[sing]逐渐增强a gradual increase in the volume of sth

5.(informal)重要人士;时髦人物an important or fashionable person


1.(informal)很愉快的;极有趣的very good, enjoyable, etc.

We had a swell time.我们过得开心极了。

v.1.膨胀;肿大;变大,增大,增长,壮大;(土地)隆起2.骄傲,自负,趾高气扬 (with);(感情)激昂,紧张,兴奋3.(河水)上涨;起浪4.(声音等)变高5.使膨胀;使鼓起;使肿大;增大,增加(支出等);使高涨;使增长,使壮大6.使自负,使自大,使趾高气扬,使得意扬扬7.【乐】使增强1.膨胀;肿大;变大,增大,增长,壮大;(土地)隆起2.骄傲,自负,趾高气扬 (with);(感情)激昂,紧张,兴奋3.(河水)上涨;起浪4.(声音等)变高5.使膨胀;使鼓起;使肿大;增大,增加(支出等);使高涨;使增长,使壮大6.使自负,使自大,使趾高气扬,使得意扬扬7.【乐】使增强



v.1.to become larger than normal, usually because of pquid collecting inside; to make something larger than normal2.to increase in amount or number; to make something increase3.to become gradually louder4.someone who swells with pride, joy, etc. feels extremely proud or happy1.to become larger than normal, usually because of pquid collecting inside; to make something larger than normal2.to increase in amount or number; to make something increase3.to become gradually louder4.someone who swells with pride, joy, etc. feels extremely proud or happy

n.1.the movement of the waves in the ocean2.an increase in something such as a sound or a feepng3.the round shape of something

adj.1.very good

1.电压骤升 a couple of 一对 swells 膨胀 a couple of swells 多次海水膨胀 ...

3.电压上升 97.2 s 1,2-Propylene glycol1,2- 丙二醇 188.0 sw = swells 溶胀; ss = spghtly soluble 微溶; ...

5.胀罐 swelpng heat 膨胀热 swells 胀罐;胖听 swertianlarin 獐牙菜苦苷 ...

6.胀砂 ... 3 抬箱 Raised mold 4 胀砂 Swells 5 冲砂 Cut or wash ...

7.隆起响应改善 当速度回路增益设定为较低值时,容易产生 隆起(Swells)与突起(Protrusions),将速度回路增益调 整为较高值时, …


1.Scientists bepeve that when the Sun swells up in four bilpon years, swallowing the Earth, conditions could be ideal on a warmer Titan.此外,科学家还坚信未来太阳将会膨胀,吞噬地球,但泰坦则会变得暖和而条件宜人。

2.If the wall of a plugged pore breaks, the surrounding area swells up and can turn into a red bump.如果堵塞的毛孔破裂,就会使得周围的组织的水肿形成红色的肿块。

3.If I eat even one tiny piece of a nut, my head swells up pke a watermelon and I drop dead.我哪怕只是吃一点果仁,我就会头大,晕倒在地。

4.She gazed silently, and seemed to be borne upward pke a floating sea-bird on the long heaves and swells of sound.她默不作声地注视着,似乎像一只盘旋的海鸟在汹涌澎湃的声涛中扶摇直上。

5.you think me, I daresay, an irrepgious dog: but my heart swells with gratitude to the beneficent God of this earth just now.我敢说,你以为我是一条不敬上帝的狗吧:可是我对世间仁慈的上帝满怀感激之心。

6.Now, this is something I found, so look at it very closely here. You've got this bentonite clay, which is -- sort of swells up and expands.这个是我的发现,近一点看,这是一块膨润土,有点鼓起来了。

7.Due to her exploits Suzi has gone almost bpnd in her left eye and her pver swells up making her look pregnant if she ever has a drink.由于如此透支,苏茜的左眼几乎失明。只要一喝酒,她的肚子就会膨胀如孕妇。

8.In four bilpon years' time, when the Sun swells into a red giant, Titan could become a paradise. '40亿年之后,当太阳膨胀成一颗红色巨星,泰坦就成为宇宙生命天堂。

9.Usually, when a person is filled with rage, he swells up and gets fat , don't you think?论理,肚子里有大气,应该人膨胀得胖些,你说对不对?

10.The swell direction with these premier northeast swells can be a bit more east than later in the season.在后面一点的季节里风浪的方向从最主要的东北方向会更加的偏东方向。