




1.尘埃落定 ... 尘埃落定dust settled 一切归零. and everying came to naught ...


1.As the dust settled, anger seemed to give way to sympathy for Liu and the incredible pressure he had been under, according to Reuters.据路透报道,随着事情渐渐淡去,大家不再愤怒,转而对刘以及他所承受的压力表示同情。

2.When the dust settled, Frampton was a star, and Rolpng Stone named him its Artist of the Year.当尘埃落定,弗兰普顿是一位明星,他和滚石命名其年度艺术家。

3.When the dust settled these pttle dots in the ocean were flying the French flag as they do to this day.最后,尘埃落定,这些海洋中的零星小岛便飘起了法国国旗——直倒今天也是如此。

4.Staffers at the Dutch bank said ING's management wanted to keep their distance until the dust settled.这家荷兰银行的工作人员称ING管理层想在局势明朗前按兵不动。

5.The female images in the Tibetan writer A Lai's novel "The Dust Settled" are deeply marked with "male" views.藏族作家阿来的长篇小说《尘埃落定》中的女性形象,被打上深深的“男性”眼光的烙印。

6.refresh yourself in the natural hot spring, dust settled, spirits soared.刷新自己的天然温泉,尘埃落定,烈酒上升。

7.Once the dust settled, snakes emerged from underground.流星雨结束后蛇就从地下爬出来。

8.The dust settled on the furniture while we were away.我们不在家时,尘土落满了家具。

9.When the dust settled, I noticed my remaining porch furniture was missing.不过,当尘埃落定的时候,我发现我放在门廊的桌椅丢失了。

10.And when the dust settled, wedding bells rang for someone.当一切尘埃落定,婚礼的钟声将为某人响起。