



美式发音: [rɪˈfaɪnəri] 英式发音: [rɪ'faɪnəri]






n.1.a factory where things are removed from a natural substance to make it pure

1.精炼厂 reed 芦苇 refineries 精炼厂 regeneration 再生 ...

2.炼油厂 4-20mA 的缩放输出 – Refineries 炼油厂 – Industrial Gas Plants 工业气体厂 ...


1.As the first data indicating sudden growth began emerging over the summer, many market observers chalked it up to refineries hoarding crude.当第一批显示这种增速的数据在夏季出炉时,很多市场观察人士将其归因于炼油企业囤积原油。

2.So the Gulf oil will have to be shipped to Asia's newer refineries, which are designed to deal with a wide variety of grades of oil.所以海湾的石油必须先运送至亚洲较新的炼油厂,这些炼油厂正是建以处理各种各类的石油。

3.The oil industry is marked by an element of danger , hence the siting of refineries is at a distance from population centers .石油工业的特征是有一点危险性,所以炼油厂的厂址在远离人口集中的地方。

4.Zhang Jianhua, senior vice president, said the company's refineries were running at 90% capacity.中石化高级副总裁章建华说,公司旗下炼油厂的开工率达90%。

5.Others point to an increase in fatal accidents and fires at PDVSA's refineries as proof that its workers are no longer up to snuff.其他人也指出PDVSA的精炼厂的重大事故和火灾的增加也证明了它的员工不再是符合标准的了。

6.But to make the most of it, the world needs more refineries of a certain design, and those do not spring up overnight.然而要充分利用它,就需要更多经特殊设计的炼油厂,这显然不可能一蹴而就。

7.Tip: Refineries can exploit owned and adjacent resource asteroids. Asteroids can only support so many refineries at a time though.小贴士:精炼船能采集起所处的和周围的资源小行星上的资源。但是小行星一次只能供给很少的精炼船。

8.Above $80 a barrel and up to $130 a barrel, domestic prices would also move, but Chinese refineries would not make a profit.当国际原油价格高于每桶80美元,但低于130美元时,国内成品油价格也会进行调整,但中国炼油企业将不会盈利。

9.The result: Some Asian palm-oil producers have scrapped their plans for biodiesel refineries, and only a few new plants have come on pne.上述情况造成的结果是,一些亚洲棕榈油生产商取消了兴建生物柴油厂的计划,只有少数新厂投入运营。

10.With oil refineries out of commission and clogged roadways slowing depveries, finding gasopne had become a challenge.随着炼油厂的停产,运输路面的堵塞,加油变成了一件奢侈的事情。