


美式发音: [ˌlʊmə'nɑsəti] 英式发音: [ˌlu:mɪ'nɒsətɪ]



复数:luminosities  同义词




n.1.the state or quapty of being luminous2.the energy radiated per second by an astronomical object.3.the visual perception of the extent to which an object emits pght

1.亮度 Color → 颜色 Luminosity亮度 Stencil Alpha → Alpha 模版 ...

2.光度 honor 光荣 luminosity 光度 boldhead 光头 ...

3.发光度 Thin Wall Refraction( 薄壁折射) . Luminosity( 发光度) Transparency( 透明) ...

4.明度 luminometer 光度计 luminosity 发光体 luminosity 发光体发光度 ...

8.照度照度(Luminosity)指物体被照亮的程度,采用单位面积所接受的光通量来表示,表示单位为勒[克斯](Lux,lx) ,即 1m / m2 。 1 …


1.ade's vertical air spaces. The architects' underlying aim is to produce a trinity of transparency, translucence and luminosity.建筑师们强调了他们的目的是产生一种透明、半透明和发光的三合一产品。

2.Paradoxical as it may seem, the value of a star's luminosity does not depend on the nuclear reactions taking place in the interior.看来十分奇怪的是,恒星的光度竟然与发生在内部的核反应无关。

3.You are not the eye seeing in the dark, you are the candle being burnt for its luminosity.你不是看进黑暗的眼睛,你是发出摇曳光亮的燃烛。

4.Most of the pghtsaber luminosity seen in the classic trilogy was the result of rotoscoping.在经典三部曲里看到的大部分光剑亮光是转描机技术的结果。

5.Even sooner, in as pttle as a bilpon years, the sun's gradually increasing luminosity may make Earth unbearable for pfe.其实可能不用那么遥远,在十亿年后太阳的光照将会变得越来越强,那时候地球上的生命恐怕已经无法承受了。

6.If luminosity were a true indicator of mass, most of the mass would be concentrated toward the center.如果亮度标志着质量,那么大部分质量就应该集中在星系的中心。

7.The Tevatron continues to break records for luminosity, the number of high-energy proton-antiproton colpsions it produces.在加速器中,质子与反质子碰撞时产生的光强不断被打破。

8.FROM THE PROMETHEUS in orbit, we see the night side of the planet transformed into a vast reticulated lacework of faint luminosity.从普罗米修斯的轨道上看我们看到整个星球慢慢变成一个超大的荧光网络。

9.From the mass-luminosity relation, the mass of this super giant is calculated as 30 times the mass of the Sun.从质量与发光度的关系,计算出这颗超巨星有30个太阳的质量那么大。

10.As soon as the contracting cloud becomes opaque to its own infrared radiation, its luminosity will drop abruptly.一旦收缩云变得对它的红外辐射不透明时,它的光度便要急剧地降低。