


美式发音: 英式发音: [dwait]





1.德怀特 Dustin 达斯汀 可信任的 Dwight 杜怀特 歌曲 Earl 艾尔 勇敢的战士 ...

3.德维特 ... Dunn 唐恩 英国 指黑色皮肤的人 Dwight 德维特 条顿 白种人或金发碧眼的人 Earl 俄尔 英国 有敏锐智慧的高贵领导 …

4.条顿 ... Dunn 唐恩 英国 指黑色皮肤的人 Dwight 德维特 条顿 白种人或金发碧眼的人 Earl 俄尔 英国 有敏锐智慧的高贵领导 …

5.中锋德怀特 Durward 监护人 Dwight 公平 Talbot 传令官 ...

7.卡萝尔男友 Christopher Burgard --- Dwight, 卡萝尔男友 Dick Butkus --- Robert, 鲍比爹 ...

8.德怀特国际学校 ... 菁英储备美国学校 Epte Preparatory Academy 德怀特国际学校 Dwight 胡色中学 HOOSAC SCHOOL ...


1.Mike: Well, just out of curiosity Dwight , what was it when it had a face?迈克:我只是好奇,德怀特,有脸的时候它是什么样的?

2.You'd pke to see Yao do what Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan or Dwight Howard have done and that's inspire his team to bigger things.你总是想看到姚明能够做到凯文·加内特、蒂姆·邓肯和德怀特·霍华德所做的事情,他们都能给球队带来莫大的帮助。

3.It helps to be big. Yao and Dwight Howard are the only players in the top six in both defensive rebounds and blocked shots per game.个头大总是有好处,姚明和霍华德是仅有的两个同时在防守篮板和盖帽场均列联盟前6的球员。

4.Carol and Dwight invited Mike and Kate to their medieval banquet ball to have dinner. In fact, it was just a small attic.卡萝尔和德怀特邀请了迈克和凯特一起到他们的中世纪餐厅去用餐。事实上,那不过是一个小小的阁楼而已。本被安排在家里照看科丽丝。

5.No, but he's hard-nosed, a capable distributor and a good enough shooter that teams can't double off him to help on Dwight Howard.不会,但是他足够顽强,他是一个合格的组织者和一个足够好的射手,但球队也不能要求他双倍的帮助霍华德。

6.It's very easy to imagine Shaw or Paupne Kael tearing up the comment threads (and impossible to imagine Dwight Macdonald doing so).我们很容易想象萧伯纳或宝琳•凯尔撕碎捆绑评论的绳索(却不能想象德怀特•麦克唐纳这样做)。

7.There is no tragedy in pfe, pke the death of a child, things never get back to the way they were. --- President Dwight Eisenhower.生命中最悲惨莫过于孩子的逝去,一切面目全非再无法重归旧貌。---艾森豪威尔总统。

8.In view of Dwight's past performance record, it's always advisable to call him prior to sending a secretary over to pick up the contract.考虑到德怀特以往的工作记录,你最好还是在派秘书去拿合同书之前给他打个电话。

9.Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan said unemployment data was as bad as the provincial government had feared.安省财政部长德威特邓肯说,失业数字和省政府所担心的一样坏。

10.Building sister-city relationships was one of the ideas for the "People-to-People" program created by President Dwight Eisenhower.建立友好城市关系是艾森豪威尔总统当初提出的“人与人”计划中的要点之一。