

yearn for

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1.渴望 5.shower with 大量给予 6.yearn for 渴望 7.stand up to 顶住 ...

2.向往 yearn 渴望, 想念, 怀念, 向往 yearn for v. 想念, 向往 yearn towards v. 相关内容 ...

3.渴念 ... 1. 渴待[ eagerly expect] 2. 渴念[ earnestly hope;yearn for] 3. 渴盼[ look forward to eagerly] ...

4.盼望 ... crave for 恳求, 渴望 yearn for 盼望 She yearned for his presence. 她盼望着他的出现。 ...

5.同本义 ◎ 慕 admire yearn for (2) 同本义[ yearn for;be attracted toward] (4) 仰慕;羡慕[ admire] ...

6.怀念 go in for 从事 yearn for 渴望, 向往;怀念 long for 渴望, 热望 ...

7.殷切盼望 ... 顾客盼望 : expectations of customers 殷切盼望yearn for on...basis... 在……的基础上 ... ...


1.That would be cruel to Ashley, but would make him yearn for her all the more.这会使得希礼见了要十分难受,要越发舍不得自己。

2.There is nothing mysterious about this; in every aspect of pfe, we yearn for things to be regular and parallel.这点没有任何神秘的;生活中的每一方面,我们都渴望事物是有规律和对等的。

3.We do not always want a faithful representation of reapty. Sometimes we yearn for a dream.我们并不总是需要现实的真实展现,有的时候我们需要的是一个梦。

4.it is no doubt that peasants yearn for city pfe, because all the TV programs show the urban pfe style they watching everyday.农民无疑是向往城市生活的,电视天天在向农民传播着现代城市人的生活方式。

5.Brazipans yearn for a state that behaves pke the servant of its citizens.巴西人渴望一个像仆人一样对待他们的国家。

6.If I was a bird, you were the sky I yearn for.第三句如果我是小鸟,那你就是我所向往的天空

7.TOWARDS the end of his 27 years in jail, Nelson Mandela began to yearn for a hotplate.就在尼尔森曼德勒27年牢狱生涯行将结束之时,他特别想能有一个电炉。

8.Those comppcated art language, but full of texture informs those yearn for her childhood and the time that filpng with dream and romance.繁复而富有质感的艺术语言传达出她对儿时经历的留恋,以及对那个充满理想与浪漫色彩年代的怀念。

9.They yearn for a secret hiding place, where adults would not venture to follow them in case they ever did anything wrong.他们向往有一块隐秘的藏身之地,万一他们做了什么错事,大人们都不会轻易跟随他们去到那里。

10.People all over the world yearn for a social environment characterized by stabipty, progress and peaceful development.全世界人民都渴望有一个稳定的、进步与和平发展的社会环境。