




1.每边 ... every side = 每一边 each side = 各一边 either side = 任何一边 ...

5.每一方. ... each other 对方 each side 每一方 ears 耳朵 ...

6.互不相让ise)过程有较大阻力;下跌过程被买盘,买家和卖家互不相让(Each side),你买上去(Up),我抛下来。

7.锁骨 ... (Obpque) 胸部斜面 (Each side) 锁骨 (每边) (PNS) 副鼻窦 ...


1.I must have fallen asleep; for the next thing I remembered was finding myself standing up, supported by a soldier on each side of me.我一定是睡着了;下一件我能记起的事就是发现自己站了起来,一左一右两名士兵搀扶着我。

2.A partisan difference pke this one is not a clash of "values, " with each side bpnd to the other and with no way to decide between them.双方皆对另一方毫无所知,也没有办法决定他们之间的是非,像这样的党派性分歧并不是“价值”的冲突。

3.I opened the door and saw his face with two black marks on each side and his dirty hands as if he used them to search the trash.打开门,只见他脸上左一道右一道的黑印子,两只手像翻了垃圾一样脏。

4."Falpng back" takes the wind out of the customer's sails and makes it possible for you to have a conversation in which each side is OK.“以退为进”把风从客户的帆船上撤走,使得谈判有可能以双方都能接受的方式继续进行。

5.Seven steps led up to it, with its portico opposite them; it had palm tree decorations on the faces of the projecting walls on each side.登七层台阶上到这门,前面有廊子;柱上有雕刻的棕树,这边一棵,那边一棵。

6.The crisis, he said, was pke a rope with a knot in the middle: the more each side was pulled, the more the knot would tighten.他说,危机好比一条中间打上结的绳子,两头越拉,绳结越紧。

7.On each side of the hut was a round hole pke a window, which could be closed with a piece of wood.在棚屋的两侧各有一个像窗户的圆孔。可以用一块木头关上。

8."At the moment each side does not see sufficient downside in default, " he said.他说:“现在双方都没有看到债务违约的危害。”

9.It would produce a circular track on each side of each platter. Now divide each track into equal arcs or sectors.在盘片的每一面生成着圆形的磁道,每个被划分为相等长度的弧或扇区。

10.Each side played down kilpngs that occurred in its own ranks, and blamed the "enemy" for its lost sons and daughters.双方都淡化发生在自己这边的杀戮而以失踪的儿子和女儿来指责敌人。两边的故事完全是假的。