




1.环球小姐姐选美大赛」(Miss Earth),今年底还有「环球小姐选美大赛」(Miss Universe)紧接着登场!


1.as they vote for her to be the 2nd Runner-Up, the 1stRunner-Up, or the new Miss Universe. And we'll begin with Miss Namibia.他们要选出季军,亚军,还有新的环球小姐。我们将从纳米比亚小姐开始。

2.On the subject of pragmatism and material values: Miss Universe is similar to one of those quiz shows where nobody goes home empty-handed.在实用主义和实际价值上这个议题上,环球小姐和智力问答节目一样,没有人会空手而归。

3.I frequent a few exotic fantasy islands. One of my favorite islands holds the Miss Universe crown.我经常去一些有异国情调的、让人充满幻想的岛屿,我最喜欢的一个岛拥有环球小姐的桂冠。

4.We bever had such a contender before in 60 years of Miss Universe history!这是在60年来环球小姐大赛候选者中史无前例的。

5.Ladies and gentlemen, one of these three will be the new Miss Universe!各位先生女士们!这三位佳丽中的一位将是本届的新的环球小姐!

6.The performance was but a small part of Ms. Kan's determined bid to make this Miss China into Miss Universe.此次晚宴上的“表演”只是靳羽西下决心要让罗紫琳摘得环球小姐桂冠努力的一小部分。

7.But that's what Miss Universe is supposed to be about: beauty as commodity, packaged and exported and thoroughly modern.然而,这应该就是环球小姐的意义所在:美丽像商品一样被包装,出口,完完全全的现代化。

8.Like her American counterpart, she has a crack team of experts behind her -- in this case to help Ms. Luo pve the Miss Universe dream.与奥普拉本人一样,靳羽西的身后也有一支训练有素的专家团队,该团队这次的任务是帮助罗紫琳实现赢得环球小姐桂冠的梦想。

9.Suggested answer: Miss Universe is one of the most famous beauty pageants in the world.参考答案:环球小姐是世界上最著名的选美活动之一。

10.She could stand betweeen Miss World, Miss Universe and Miss India and I would still find my wife the most beautiful of all. . .她可以站在世界小姐,环球小姐,印度小姐当中,而我依然能找到她,我最美丽的妻子。