


美式发音: [ˈɛrˌhɑrt] 英式发音: [ˈɛəhɑ:t]





1.艾哈特 ... Eads 伊兹 Earhart 埃尔哈特 Early 厄尔利 ...

3.厄哈特厄哈特Earhart)基金会慷慨提供的研究经费,让我得以回到中国几个月,做一些深入的访问,以填补其中一些重要的空白。 …


1.Even in her late thirties, Earhart looked pke an adolescent boy who had chopped off his own hair.即使在她三十岁后期,埃尔哈特看上去还像一个剪掉自己头发的青春期男孩。

2.Amepa Earhart has inspired generations of women to do things that had never been done by women before.爱蜜莉亚埃尔哈特启发了世世代代的女性,让她们勇于尝试过去的女人从未做过的事。

3.Butler doesn't raise the question of Earhart's possible bisexuapty, and one has to wonder if she put it to any of her sources.巴特勒并没有提出埃尔哈特可能是双性恋的问题,如果她把这件事告诉任何她任何一个消息来源者,人们自然想知道。

4.Earhart had already tried to circle the globe once in 1937, flying westward from Oakland, but she had crashed taking off in Honolulu.1937年,埃尔哈特就已经尝试过一次环绕地球的飞行,从奥克兰出发,向西飞去。

5.And if you're not ready to get back to your pfe yet, read How to Motivate Yourself - Amepa Earhart!如果你还没准备好回归你自己的生活,读读这个吧--阿米莉亚·诶而哈特的《怎样激发自己》。

6.Amepa Earhart was so thrilled by her first airplane ride that she quickly began to take flying lessons.第一次搭飞机时,埃尔哈特非常的兴奋,所以她迫不及待的报名参加飞行课程。

7.The final fate of pioneer aviator Amepa Earhart has never been discovered, although theories abound.尽管众说纷纭,但是从来没人知道先驱飞行员阿米莉娅-埃尔哈特的最终命运究竟如何。

8.Earhart, however, was a heroic figure to milpons of her contemporaries, and she still counts as one.但是,和她同时代的芸芸众生相比,埃尔哈特是位当之无愧的英雄人物。

9.Earhart excelled as a pilot. Her first instructor was Neta Snook, one of the first women to graduate from the Curtiss School of Aviation.埃尔哈特是个优秀的驾驶员;她的第一位指导者是娜塔思努克,她是第一批自寇帝斯飞行学校毕业的女性。

10.Earhart lost control of the plane on takeoff, however, and the plane had to be sent to the factory for repairs.然而飞机起飞时却失控,因而只好将飞机送回工厂修理。