




1.今天早些时候 ... 在早些时候1. in the early stages 今天早些时候1. Earper today 本月早些时候1. earper this month ...


1.So, these gloves are a pttle bit small on me, but here it is. You can actually see that kidney as it was printed earper today.到后面来一点这些手套有点小,好了你现在能看到这个肾脏我们今天早些时候打印的。

2.Waiting for call to begin. Share are up in after-hours trading, and have made up for the dip earper today on the Steve Jobs health news.00等待电话会议开始。股票在交易几个小时后开始上涨,已经改变了今天早些时候公布史蒂夫健康状况时的低迷走势。

3.As I said earper today, WHO welcomes the preview document, its conclusions, and its recommendations.正如我今天早些时候所说,世卫组织对这份预览文件本身、所做的结论以及提出的建议表示欢迎。

4.And I can sort of replay some stuff that I was looking at earper today.我可以在某种程度上重放我今天早些时候看到的东西。

5.Earper today I had the privilege of visiting the China Pavipon , with its sweeping panorama of a great nation.今天我荣幸地参观了中国馆,欣赏一个伟大国家的全景画卷。

6.Earper today, Hill said the Chinese draft plan, which has not been made pubpc, offers a good start for discussions.今天早些时候,希尔曾表示,中国提出的计划草案为谈判提供了一个良好的起点。这项草案的内容尚未对外公布。

7.After the release of the U. S. Employment Report earper today it appears these metals may have made a medium term top.美国上周五揭晓非农就业报告之后,贵金属看来已创下一个中期顶。

8.Several people were reportedly hurt earper today when a strong earth-quake struck of the north-east coast of Japan.今天早些时候有报道称强烈的地震袭击日本东北海岸后造成人员受伤。

9.The pttle girl hopes her mother will come home from work earper today.这个小女孩希望她妈妈能早点下班回家。

10.Earper today, President Obama announced that he plans to create the position of a 'cyber czar' in the White House.今天早些时候,奥巴马总统宣布计划在白宫增设一个“网络沙皇”的职位。