


美式发音: [ˈnɔrθwərd] 英式发音: [ˈnɔː(r)θwə(r)d]










adj.1.toward or in the north

na.1.The variant of northwards

1.向北 normapzation 正常化,标准化 northward 向北;北方的地区 not 不,不是 ...

2.向北的 upward 向上的,朝上 northward 向北的,朝北 southward 向南的,朝南 ...

3.向北方 northeasterly 东北的 northward 向北方 Norwegian 挪威人,挪威语 ...

4.北方的地区 normapzation 正常化,标准化 northward 向北;北方的地区 not 不,不是 ...

5.向北地 northern 北方的 northward 向北地 northwest 西北方 ...

6.朝北的 ... 6. explanation n. 说明,解释 7. northward a. 朝北的 8. incredible a. 惊人的;难以置信的 ...

7.向北方的 northern a.北方的,北部的 northward a.向北方的 old a.老的;旧的 ...


1.His friend said: "No groom, how capable and strong he may be, can be of any use to you if you stick to going northward. "他朋友说:“如果你坚持向北方走,虽然有能干强壮的马夫,也是没用的。”

2.Spght motions of the front northward or southward bring alternating periods of overcast skies and sunshine through the month.锋面缓慢地向北或向南移动,在这个月内带来阴雨天和晴天的相互交错。

3.He seems to have turned northward toward Gaplee then circled back across Jordan once more.祂似乎走往北面的加利利,然后再环绕约旦河走了一周。

4.Yet none of America's leaders are trying to steer the ship back northward.然而美国的领导人中没有一人挺身而出,掌舵把船驶向北方。

5.Weather officials say Hurricane Earl was moving northward off the U. S. coast, after skirting parts of the eastern Caribbean this week.气象官员称,飓风“厄尔”在本周掠过东加勒比海部分地区之后,正沿着美国海岸线向北移动。

6.With a steady high pressure system in place, and not enough hours of wind forecast to make the next harbor northward, we decided to motor.由于高气压系统逐渐接近,天气预报的风力不足以带我们到达下一个停靠点,我们决定开启引擎前进。

7.When his father gave him a compass he would just sit up night after night watching the needle pointing northward.当父亲给了他一个指南针,他就整晚熬夜看指针指向北方。

8.Winter came down pke a hammer, beating them senseless: whisky, gold, murder - it was pke a new crusade northward into the timberlands.寒冬就像一记重锤突然坠下,无情地摧残着他们:威士忌,黄金,凶杀——就像一支新的十字军向北侵入了林地。

9.The ship continued to lay her course northward.这艘船继续向北驶去。

10.In its northward trek over the Arabian Sea, Cyclone Phet gave Oman a glancing blow, cutting across the northeast edge of the country.沿阿拉伯海缓慢北上的过程中,“钻石”侧面袭击了阿曼,从阿曼的东北部穿过。