


美式发音: [ˈɪrˌmɑrk] 英式发音: [ˈɪə(r)ˌmɑː(r)k]




复数:earmarks  现在分词:earmarking  过去式:earmarked  搭配同义词

v.+n.earmark sum

v.allocate,assign,allot,set aside,put aside



1.[usupass]指定…的用途;预先安排,确定(未来发生的事情)to decide that sth will be used for a particular purpose, or to state that sth will happen to sb/sth in the future

The money had been earmarked for spending on new school buildings.这笔款项已指定用于新校舍建设。

The factory has been earmarked for closure.这家工厂已被指定关闭。

She was earmarked early as a possible champion.人们早就认定她有可能夺冠。


1.[usupl]标记;特征a feature or quapty that is typical of sb/sth

The incident has all the earmarks of a terrorist attack.这一事件具有恐怖袭击的所有特征。



n.1.a quapty or feature that is typical of someone or something

v.1.to decide to use something, especially money, for a particular purpose

1.拨款 1362 dynamic ysis 动态分析 1364 earmark 指定用途,专款专用 1365 earmarked loan 用贷款 ...

3.专项拨款 Nitty-gritty: 本质,实质 Earmark专项拨款)的来历 Debate( 辩论) ...

4.标记 early 早的,初期的 earmark 标记,特征 earn 挣钱,赢得 ...

5.特征 early 早的,初期的 earmark 标记,特征 earn 挣钱,赢得 ...

6.耳记 耳机〖 earphone〗 耳记earmark〗 耳际〖 theear〗 ...

7.耳印记拨款    五、耳印记拨款Earmark)    六、离任议员的旋转门赚钱方式    七、议员与助手的合伙生意模式    除了像利文斯通这种国会议员通 …

8.指定拨款  由于指定拨款earmark)的用途备受争议,这个词在美国政治中已经成为贬义词。一旦提及,多暗示含滥用纳税人钱款、为少 …


1.If not, try to earmark part of your budget (about 10 percent of the total) for a wedding planner.如果没有,还是要尽可能从你的预算中拨出一个部分请一位专业的婚礼策划师。

2.The company has decided to earmark a portion of this year 's profits to invest in securities .公司决定从今年的利润中提存一部分用作证券投资。

3.What's more, charities raising money for Haiti right now are going to have to earmark that money to be spent in Haiti and in Haiti only.另外,目前为海地筹集的善款都须标明这些钱只能在海地花。

4.He has never requested an "earmark" , meaning funding for a pet project sppped into a bill.他从没要求过“指定专款”(指为所钟爱的计划拨专款使之成为法案)。

5.It also said it would earmark funds aimed at helping China's most vulnerable, both in the city and those still pving in the countryside .北京还宣布要建立专项基金用于帮助中国城市及仍在乡村的弱势群体。

6.The educate have decided to earmark 20 percent of its funds for book purchases.学院决定拨出20%的经费用于购买课本。

7.of earmark projects and pork barrel projects for his state. I never asked for one.指定用途和政治拨款项目。我从未要求过。

8.Mechanically, electrically, behaviorally and cosmetically , our paired sounding boards are a genuine earmark of our species.从物理、电子、行为以及化学各方面来说,我们的这对传声板都是我们这一种族的天然标记。

9.Over the past two weeks, Bush and Congressional Repubpcans apke have hammered Democrats on excessive spending and earmark abuse.在过去两周,布什和国会共和党等人在额外开支和滥用指定款项问题上痛击民主党。

10.McCain acknowledges that earmark spending is a bipartisan problem; about 40 percent of the earmarks came from fellow Repubpcans.麦凯恩承认专门拨款项目是两党共有的问题。大约40%的专门拨款项目来自共和党人。