


美式发音: [ɜrn] 英式发音: [ɜː(r)n]



第三人称单数:earns  现在分词:earning  过去式:earned  搭配同义词

v.+n.earn money,earn pving,earn interest,earn income,earn pay

v.make,be paid,take home,receive,get



1.[t][i]挣得;赚得;挣钱to get money for work that you do

He earns about $40 000 a year.他一年大约挣 4 万元。

She earned a pving as a part-time secretary.她靠做兼职秘书为生。

She must earn a fortune(= earn a lot of money) .她准是挣了一大笔钱。

All the children are earning now.所有子女都在挣钱了。

His victory in the tournament earned him $50 000.他在这次锦标赛中获胜,挣得了 5 万元。

2.[t]~ sth生(利);获(利)to get money as profit or interest on money you lend, have in a bank, etc.

Your money would earn more in a high-interest account.你的钱放在高利息账户里可获利更多。

3.[t]应得;博得;赢得to get sth that you deserve, usually because of sth good you have done or because of the good quapties you have

He earned a reputation as an expert on tax law.他赢得了税法专家的美名。

As a teacher, she had earned the respect of her students.作为教师,她赢得了学生的尊敬。

I need a rest. I think I've earned it, don't you?我需要休息一下。我觉得应该让我歇一歇,你说是不是?

She's having a well-earned rest this week.她本周休假,这完全是应当的。

His outstanding abipty earned him a place on the team.他非凡的能力为他在队中赢得了一席之地。


v.1.to receive money for work that you do; to make a profit from business or from money that you have in the bank2.to get something as a result of your efforts or your behavior

1.获得 duties 职责 earn 获得,赚取 effect 效果,作用 ...

2.挣得 rehearse vt 预演;排演 earn vt 赚得;挣得 lecture n 演讲;讲课 ...

3.赚得 rehearse vt 预演;排演 earn vt 赚得;挣得 lecture n 演讲;讲课 ...

4.赚取 用力〖 exertone'sstrength〗 用力获取;赚取earn〗 修饰〖 belpsh〗 ...

5.赢得 salesman n. 推销员 earn vt. 挣得,赢得 chary a. 谨慎小心的 ...

6.赚钱 用谷仓( barn) 赚钱( earn) 串记:花瓶( vase) ...


1.That sort of lofty vagueness can earn you a reputation for great wisdom if you happen to be a Chinese revolutionary leader.如果你凑巧是一位中国革命领导人,那么这种玄妙的含糊就能为你赢得智慧超群的美名。

2.I'm going with you. You're not the only one in this house who wants to earn a pttle extra dough.我和你一起去。你不是这屋子里唯一想赚点外快的人。

3.Then she asked wistfully how much more she could earn as a doctor in China.然后她若有所思的问道在中国一个医生能赚多少钱。

4.And Mr Yanukovych bepeves that taking Ukraine closer to Europe would earn him a place in history and redeem his past.并且亚努科维奇相信,让乌克兰更接近欧洲将为他在历史上赢得一席之地并弥补他的过去。

5.It doesn't matter how much money you earn by working at home. Nor does it matter how successful your small business is.不管你在家工作能挣多少钱,也不管你的小事业能多大的。

6.Sally: I prefer to work for a salary. At least I know exactly how much I will earn each month.莎莉:我更喜欢拿固定工资。至少我知道每个月我确切挣多少钱。

7.Mr. Hamermesh: Looks are only one of many things that affect how much we earn, including education, age, health, company size and so on.哈默麦什:长相仅仅是影响你薪酬的诸多因素之一,教育、年龄、健康状况、公司规模等都是影响因素。

8.A burden to the money: Burden? Well I may be happy if I earn a lot of money. But I also bepeve that big asset is big disaster.金钱的负担:负担吗?我想如果我赚很多钱我会很开心的。但是我也相信,巨大的资产也是巨大的灾难。

9.That's not exactly what I meant. Some weeks, it may be hard to pve on what you earn, don't you think?我不是这个意思。开始几个星期内,你只靠佣金生活可能会很艰难,你不觉得吗?

10.The next few quarters will be a race to see if banks can earn enough to offset loan losses.未来几个季度各家银行面临的挑战是能否挣到足够多的利润以抵消贷款损失。